Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/159

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VENKATA-SASTEI- -VENKATA-SUBBA 294 ou tlio legends of the holy places along the course of the river Godavarl^ and the efficacy of pilgrim- iiges thither, in 2 sections of prose mixed with verse, styled Gautainl-niahatiiiyamu and Sapta- g5davarl- sagara- sahgatiia- maliatmyamu, the latter containing an Antarvedi-narasimha-svami- prabhavamu, the legend of a local temple of Vishnu.] pp. ii. IGO, 18. TS-^^i^t^n.-iiv [MiuJrns,] 1898. 8°. 14174. bbb. 2.(1.) A . . . ^h'vblfs-cs£r'(^^:ir>^&^OZ>i&, . . . (^S*>-r^o-&s5;Ji^Tr'2i^£ao55ir«5j*_^§c'5bo. [Kanchi- varada-raja-mahatmyamu. An account in verse and prose of the i-eligious traditions associated with the cult of Vishnu or Varada-raja at Kaiichi or Conjevaram.] pp. ii. 42. S-^^^^r^^Sxi [Madraii,] 1898. 8°. 14175. a. 3.(3.) VENKATA-SESHAYYA, Vdsd. See Pitri-medha. c«j'2S'-^^-i3-gj--s^A_^2^eJj^ "&)§.§' 1^ II [Auahitagni- paitrimedhika-prayoga. Edited by V.] 1897- [1899.] 8°. 14028. d. 70. ^o-^h-.]!^ ^ P^^^ S . . . A Sanskrit-Telutfu Dictionai-y. pp. i. ii. i. i. i. 387. Madras, 1893. 8°. 14174. n. 26. VENKATA-SIMHADEI JAGA-PATI RAZU, Vatsa- vdi/a, Baja, Zamindar of Kotham. ^^^^'J^-rvS . [Bahar ul-lughat. A Hindustani-Telugu vocabu- lary.] pp. 2, 110. ^pncr^>{[Tu,u, 1895.] 8°. 14174. n. 37. sSb;i<Sj^7r=^o-CT'si)^«J5'e)^s3. [Maha-yoga- nandamrita-kalpa-valli. A pharmacopoeia, con- sisting of Sanskrit verses from various sources with Telugu commentary.] pp. xiii. vi. 248, 5. S^p n-o^ [Tuni, 1902.] 8°. 14043. dd. 10. 5J-^?3§-b'^o-3J'5&^^s5m. [Vastu-svachchhan- diimritamu. A treatise on the preparation and medicinal qualities of metals and minerals, with Sanskrit quotations.] pp. ii. iv. 542. &J? nr~OE_ [Tuni, 1906.] 8°. 14174. ee. 9. VENKATA-SrVA SASTRI, Sdina-i/Jjida. See Upanishads. Tiettireayopanishad. [Sanskrit text, with Telugu interpretation and paraphrase by Venkata-siva,] etc. 1889. 8°. 14007. cc. 20. VENKATA-SIVAVADHANI, Vdmlala. ,^3T?'§»-r3§ 5xr^^sr°ij'8'§ -iyedsij. [Vidyaranya-(madhava- charya-)charitamu. An historical account of Madhavachfirya-Vidyuranya and his brother Sa.- yaiia, with wliom ho is sometimes identified.] pp. xviii. 184, 8. ^T^^ii [i/cuZms,] 1900. 8^ 14174. g. 49. VENKATA-SIVAYA SASTRI, TOlcpaddi Kdmaya- pu°. sj^^S'^S'cjm. [Hara-satakamu. 110 verses to tlie god Siva.] pp. 15. "Sasr^Si ncrj^e [Bez- ivada, 1897.] 12°. 14174. a. 19.(2.) sJ'B'S'eJg'siu. [Hari-satakamu. 108 verses to the god Vishnu.] pp. 15. ^sj^j^sS n'j-^Z [Btzwada,l891.'] 12°. 14174. a. 19.(1 ) VENKATA-SIVUpU, lidyasanm. Eani Balauiba : an Indian medieval story. irj-^o'axP'vi . . . Reprinted from the Telugu Zenana Magazine, pp. 13. Bezwada, Madras [printed], 1901. 8'. 14174. g. 37.(5.) VENKATA-SUBBA AIYAR, R. V. See Vknkata- RAMANUJULu Nayudu, C, and others. Notes on the Telugu Text for the Matricvlation [sic] Ex- amination 1898. By . . . Veukata Subba Ai^-ar, etc. 1898. 8°. 14174. k. 62. VENKATA-SUBBA-RAMA SASTRI, S., of S.F.G. High School, Madras. See Rakgachauyar, K. Elementary Botany . . . Translated into Telugu by S. Veukatasubbarama Sastri, etc. 1909. 12°. 14174. eee. 16. VENKATA-SUBBA-RAMA SASTRI, Sarasvati. See Maha-bharata. — Modern Versions. [S(dihd-iiarva.] sS3^5j'«'«Jabo -a»ll [Sabha-parva. With Telugu interpretation by Veiikata-subba-rama.] 1909. 8°. 14065. ee. 1. See Maha-bharata. — Modem Versions. [Vird/a-parva.] ^^^SiSsSx) S-cpfejS ll [Viriita- parva. With Telugu interpretation by Veiikata- subba-rama.] 1908. 8°. 14060. d. 17. VENKATA-STJBBA RAIT, Mnii.rJtiganfi Kdma-nlja- p',i°, ooo iT'^T^SiiJ^cS^a. [Tala-bharata kaumudi. A treatise ou the measurement of time in Hindu music, etc.] pp. ii. 48. «oo4jToi& [Guniur,] 1908. 8°. 14174. e. 24. VENKATA-STJBBA RAU, Neti, of Guniur Mission College. ^_^axr°2i-fvn>c83 5S» -a»ll [Dharmaja-raja- suyamu. A legendary romance.] pp. 107. 1901. See Periodical Publications. — Ellore. ^cjs»sj^ra [Maiiju-vaiii.] vol. i., no. 1 — vol. iii., no. 10. 1898-1905. 12°. 14174. i. ll.(vols. 1-3.)