Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/19

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13 APPAYA- -AEDEN" 14 tramu. A work, chiefly in lyrical verse, on the legends and cult of Kanyaka-paramesvari, the goddess of the Vaisya caste.] pp. ii. 105. -^i>^S> S)voz) [Mysore, IS98.] 8°. 14174. bb. 5. APPAYA DIKSHITA, of the lineage of Siva-rama DlkshUii. p;J?:jf-^M->'^a^r-i>3ew. [Nirasana- sutra- mulu. 52 aphorisms on Yagic-Vedantic mysticism, with commentary.] See Venkatesvaeudu, P. w^je'-f»Tp-p9 [Advaita-sudha-nidhi.] vol. iv., pp. 56-79. 1905. 8°. 14174. bb. 16.(vol. 4.) APPAYA DIKSHITA, Banga-raja-jm°. [Life.] See SrI-eama-mukti, G. (tMS^csi6;|,e5^n^ II) [Appava- dlkshita-charitramu.] 1898,1899. 12°. [ifaf'ju- vdnQ 14174. i. ll.fvol. 1.) See SuEATA, A. B. The Andhra Chandra- loka . . . with the Sanskrit Chaudraloka [falsely supposed to be the work] of Appayya Deekshita, etc. 1898. 8". 14053. c. 66. O ^oSS ^-^9^{io ^^A^c^sSx) [Kuvalayananda-pra- kasamii. A treatise on the modes of poetical style, in verse and prose, rendered from Appaya's Sanskrit Kuvalayananda by KatikeneniEamayya.] pp. 271. -SorfeoAQ ocr.^3 [Venl-atngiri, 1893.] 8°. 14174. k. 54. APPAYA MANTRI, PahihUru. ^sbis^^^iorij- 5^£^y^J6^^;S». [Chenua-venkatesvara-charitramu. An account of a Vaishnava cult.] pp. 10. See ViRA-KAGHAVAYYA, M. (^ • • • {^^^^'^^'iiO^'L- ■S'-fT'siD -^x, [Chenna-veiikatesa-nama-saiikirtana- mulu.] [1876.] 8°. 14174. b. 12. ARAGIYA-MANAVALA PERU-MAL, called Mana- VALA Ma-mdni, Perita-jiyak, and Ranga-nathan. [Life.y (^ • • • (^SCSJfsixip^KcaasjcabSb.'Si^jA^O- ^iSx) "ax) 11 [Vara-vara-muni-pravana-vijayanm. An anonymous account of the career of the Sri- vaishnava doctor Aragiya-manavalar, in 3 dsvdsas of verse mixed with prose. With preface by Aragiya-manavala Ramanuja-jTyar, Sanskrit tani- yangi.i{ or devotional verses addressed to the teachers of the spiritual lineage ending with the latter, and some Tamil verses.] pp. xiv. i. 88 ; Q plates. '^oK4t-'& [Bavgalore,'] 1891. 8°. 14174. b. 25.(1) ARAGIYA-MANAVALA PERUMAL, called ^Iana- vai.a AfA-MUNr, Peuiya-jIyar, .'ind IIanoa-natuan (continued). See Pu.r.Ai Lokaciiaeyae. StoaiDr. ^^^^^XM. [Tiru-inautrartbamu, i.e. the Mu- mukshu-padi. With the commentary Tiru-man- trartham of Aragiyaraanavala Peru-mfil. Trans- lated into Telugu.] 1894., etc. 12°. [Snhila- vidydhhivardliani.] 14174. g. 38. (vol. 2, etc.) See PiLLAi Lokacharyau. C50(_g,S5b5S3r. ^J^tjJ^c-Sxi. [Mumukshu-padi. With the commen- tary Tiru-mantrartham of Aragiya-manavfdar.] 1902. 12°. 14174. a. 24. See PiLLAI LOKACHAKTAE. I^'^'^^^'t^i^' [Tattva-trayam. With the commentary of Ara- giya-manavalar, and Telugu translation.] [1904.] 8°. 14170. ff. 11. o o o a£)Qxy^7iSic¥Q. [Yati-raja- virnsati. 20 Sanskrit devotional stanzas addressed to Rama- uuja. With the Tamil commentary of Pillai Lokam-jiyar, and some other poems, Sanskrit and Tamil. Edited, with a literal Teluguinterpretation of the 20 stanzas and epitome of the commentary, by Madabhusbi Riimanujacharyar.] pp. 64. ^i?^ £j? [Madras, 1904.] 8°. e^ 14028. c. 86. ARAGIYA-MANAVALA RAMANUJA-JIYAR, Para- vatitu, of Tirupati. See Akagiya-manavala Peuu- MAL. [Life.'] i^ ■ ■ ■ ^^safsjfc^p ^coii [Vara- vara-muni-pravana-vijayamu. With preface by Aragiya-manavalar Ramanujajiyar.] 1891. 8°. 14174. b. 25.(1.) ARAGIYA - MANAVALA RAMANUJA ■ JIYAR SVAMI, Vddi-liesari. See Arvaegae. o c o ^ rf. itirT -ieM^Jio^j sio II [Kanni-nun-siru-tambu. Edited with Telugu interpretation, dc, by Ara- giya-manavala Eamanuja-jiyar.] 1909. 12°. 14170. dd. 30. ARDEN (Albert Henry). [For editions of the Bible in the revised Telugu versions issued by the committee of Delegates including A. H. Ardeu :] See Bible. A progressive Grammar of the Telugu Language, with copious examples and exercises, ttc. S.P.G.K. Press : Madras, 1873. 8°. 12906. e. 14. Second edition. S.P.C.K. Press: Madras, 1905. 8°. 2056. c.