Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/20

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15 AEDEN- -ASHTAVAKEA 16 AKDEN (Albeet Henry) [conlimLed). A com- panion Telugu Eeadei- to Arden's Progressive Telugu Grammar, jip. loO. MuJyas and London, 1879. 8°. 12967. cc. 13. ARNOLD iS!r Eowin). See Naratana Rau, D., iiud Siii-EAMULU, D. Sree Sangita rasataraugiui alias Budha natakam [a drama on tbe life of Buddha, as told iu Arnold's " Light of Asia,"] etc. 1907. 8°. 14170. h. 40.(3.) ARUNACHALA PILLAI, Fandanellur KurnJra- i<vchiu-pu°. ei'?-i'ccjg'^i3'cSo ~^e}^<sp. ir-eS^S^-fih^- &s^. [Abhinayabjodaya-sulochaui. A treatise in Sanskrit verse on the actor's art, with Telugu interpretation.] ])p. xii. Ill, ii. ^j5'^s;|js:3Sco [Madras,'] 1907. 12°. 14053. b. 45. ARUNDHATI. ^i^n^b^S) ^•J6^^. [Arundhatl- devi-charitra. The legend of the pious lady Aruudhati (MahJi-bharata, Salya-p°.), in dripada metre. Edited by R. Venkata-subba Rau.] pp. 64. 2fi/Japore {Madras), [1908.] 32°. 14174. i. 28.(1.) Forms 710. 2 of (he Jana-raujani-grantha-mala. ARVAR-AYYA, Kardhiiidfi. See Valmiki. — Rama- yana. — Prose Versions. ^tp'a&f^i^y^-^^ . . . csp^g'sSu. [Taui-sjokamu. With interpretation by Arvar-ayya.] [1901.] 8°. 14065. bbb. 7. ARVARGAL. [L/ws.] See Bala-krishna Mu- I'ALIYAK, V. R. CJ • ■ ■ f^S'^'J^i^gw ^^'S^. [Alvar-acharyula vaibhavamu.] [1901.] 8°. 14174. b. 58. Sec Kb;.sAVACH.KY[iLu, il/. A, es^^e'g- -^ i^c-iw-^sC. [7.charya - sidcti - muktavali.] [1875.] 8°. 14174. k. 21. [For the Mukuuda-mala of the Arvar Kula-sekhara :] See Kula-sekiiaua. The Nityauusandhanam Series [being selec- tions from the Nal-ayira-divya-prabandham for the daily ritual, in Tamil] . . . with word-fur- word moaning, a free paraphrase in the vernacular [i.e. Telugu], and English translation [and iutro- ductions] . . . Edited by M. B. Srinivasa Aiyan-" gar. (^ir'.gfSi^(3;'i^aoo.) Madras, 1898, rlr. 14174. b. 51. Jn progress. ARVARGAL {continued). ° ° o p-^r-^c^-^o-^ii^^. ?5o^c^'c^$n^ea^S6!-s-° ir'i§^s^7Sir'-^six>. [Nitya- nusandhanam. Followed by various other Tamil religious poems. With Telugu word-for-word interpretation, paraphrase, biographical notes, etc., by R. L. Srinivasa Ramiinuja-dasu.] pp. viii. 717, iu.; I jilato. 3f adras, lOQQ. 8°. 14170. eee. 21. 000 £'E|,sirr ^eM'3Jj5oOj^ s*» II [Kanni-nun- siru-tambu. Devotional verses ascribed to the Ai'var Madhura Kavi, and forming bk. 9 iu the Mudal-ayiram or section i. of the Nal-ayiram. The Tamil text, with the commentary of Periyav- achau Pillai, also in Tamil. Edited with word- for-word Telugu interpretation and paraphrase of the former by Vadi-kesari Aragiya-manavala Ramanuja-jiyar.] pp. 41. Madras, 1909. 12°. 14170. dd. 30. S4&H5v°-.-'paM e,£S£J,^ [Tii'u-pall'-andu. A Vaishnava devotional poem ascribed to Periy- arvar, and forming § 1 of the Tiru-mori in the Mudal-ayiram and of the Kityanusandhanam. Rendered into Telugu dvipada verse by Srl- bhandaram Sudarsauarvar Ayya. Edited by N. Deva Peru-mal Ayya.] pp. 18. n>j-s_n [Madra.t, 18G1.] 1G°. 14174.1.2.(3.) 000 S>653-»cS-gccL^. [Tiru-vay-mori. Form- ing bk. iii. of the Tamil Nal-ilyira-prabaudham, and ascribed to Namm'-arvar. With Telugu glosses and commentaries, based upon the works of Periyav-achan Pillai and others, by Madabhushi Ramanujacharyar.] pp. xvi. 53G. ^^^"'f^"" [BTadras,] 1902. 8°. 14170. ff. 10. ARYA-MATA. esJ^g^eJ ssco^cs ^^,•r^^^??^^r,o^.■si^ . [Prasnottara-granthamu. A third catechism of Hindu religion. Published by Divan Bahadur R. Raghu-natha Rau.] pp. 20. no-o o- [Madras, 1888.] 16°. 14174. a. 12.(1.) ASHTA-STHANA. t;-^-^^tibg,. [Ashta-sthiln.a- pariksha. A Sanskrit metrical tract on medical diagnosis, etc. Willi Telugu translation.] pp. 7, ol. (See LouMnA-RA,iA. 2'^'S • • • ^"^(^'^ • [Sad- vaidya-jivana.] [1876.] 12°. 14043. a. 2. ASHTAVAKRA. ei'■g'»^^^>■«T'^,^.■3i^. "^r-s^f^g. ■rJ"i&sio -avil [Ashtavakra-glta-sastramu. A poem nil the Veclantic philosophy and doctrine of salva- tion. Translated froui the Sanskrit into Telugu