Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/21

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17 ASSAMAMBA- -r.ADAlIAYANA 18 verse l)y Surayya, under tlio patronnge of a certain Kumfira Rauga-razu. Edited with a para- phrase and introduction by P. Sesluichalamu Nayudu.] pp. viii. 103. ^-^^^k^nrSx: no-^B^ [Madras, 1896.] 8°. 14174. bb. 2. ASSAMAMBA. Sec Achchamamba. ASVALAYANA. '^^$<^<s£>^K^^% -^^^w. S^- sr'^Sj^'iS'irssco (si)(^S»'Jj-g) . [Grihya-sutra, i. 4-9 and 24. Sanskrit text of the marriage ritual, with glosses in Telugu.] pp. G, G. See Naea- YANA Bhatta, Buinesvara-im° . The Vivahaprayoga, etc. 1891. 8^ 14033. b. 58. ATCHAMAMBA. See Achchamamba. ATHAEVANA-RAHASYA. ^^tSi^rS^zi [sic] «'^- ■p^S.o&K£-& g'&o2se)j5oap>"5r'^i«Jo. (^4SpSacn>E-7Ssj^- °^^S°- [Dhanur-masa-mahatmya. A Sanskrit tract of 122 verses on the legends and ritual appropriate to the month Pausha (Dec. -Jan.), pur- porting to form ch. 60 of the Kapiiajala-sarnhita of the Atharvana-rahasya. Edited with Telugu translation by N. Venkata-suLba Sastri.] pp. 16. ^ir-^^Tit^b [Bangalore,] 1882. 8°. 14028.0.50. The Kapivjala-samliitd to ivJiich this worTc is ascribed is not the booh of that name which forms 2>art of the PCincha- rdtra Xg a/mas. AVADHANA SARASVATL tss-H^^rSfS-'^gD . . . ^ [Vaidya-satasloki. 116 Sanskrit verses on thera- peutics. Preceded hy 22 verses from the Asvina- samhita on fevers. With a Telugu interpretation by A. Sarasvati Nrisimhacharyulu.] pp. ii. ii. iv. 61. -^-^^w n^^'J-o [Madras, 1880.] 12°. 14043. b. 7. AVADHANI (V. V. S.). DHANI, V. See Venkata-sivava- AYYALARYULU. See Valmiki. — Ramayana. — Metrical Ver.'iions. ^ . . . ^^rSh-^-^r'^T-cxSotiS^ . [Bhaskara-ramayanamu. A version by several poets, viz. Yuddha-k"., begun by Hulikki Bhaska- rudu and completed by his friend AyyalJiryudu, etc.] [1864.] 4°. 14174.1.11. See Vai-miki. — Ramayana. — Metrical Ver- sions. (^ • • • (^■^^s^csocsli [Bhaskara-ramaya- namu.] [1870.] 4° 14174. 1. 10. AYYALARYUDTI (continued). See ValmIki. — Ramayana. — Metrical Versions. i^ ■ ■ ■ ^TSh-^- TT'siT'cSorasix). [Bhaskara-ramayanamu.] [1872.] 4°. 14174. 1. 8. See Valmiki. — Ramayana. — Metrical Vtr- sions. ^?3f,-8'TP»:5jn.ci6Eas5M. [Bhaskara-ramaya- namu.] 1897. 8°. 14174. k. 61. AYYAPA-RAZTJ, MadduH. See Rudrayya. (^ ■ ■ ■ •fw (^ £ 3 a csi SCO . [Sugrlva-vijayamu. Edited by A.] [1865.] 8°. 14174. k. 7. BACON (Francis), Viscount St. Alhans. Bacon's Essays. In Telugu. [Translated] by Suserla Anuutha Rao. ('25^',t^Si3^§?o.^sw .) pp. iv. 3, i. 69. Madras, 1903. 8°. 14174. gg. 6. See Surya-narayana SASTKi,D.,aud Sundara-rama Sastri, G. Complete Notes on F.A. Telugu Text, 1909 [viz. on S. Ananta Rau's version of Bacon's Essays,] c^c. 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 28. BACON (John R.), of the London Missionary Socii'tij. See Bible. — Complete Bibles. The Holy Bible . . . [Revised by J. R. Bacon, etc.] 1904. 8°. 14174. bbb. 10. BADARAYANA. d) • • • t5^-^t^^ejSi> . . . cxMO-Ctoc.jS' .^ I sT3^ ^£So:oi^:5bsj-e(?C'^^s5oo , ;5o^Jj— a- -f)cr°(^sio£» "3.^11 [Brahma-siitra. The Sanskrit text, with a Telugu version of Ramanuja's com- mentary Vedanta-dipa, supplemented by sum- maries, etc., compiled by Nara-hari Rangayya Setti, assisted by Ch. Srinivasacharyulu, K. R. Perumallaeharyulu, R. Kiirmayya Nayakulu, and Modaliy-aiKJau Nayakulu.] pp. vi. 288. n^ro-'d [3fadras, 1884.] 8°. 14048. bb. 18. Andhra Sreebhashya. eso^^?y-ss.§sio . . . ^^•pT' f&ji^-&.^s^ "SmII [The Brahma-siitra, with the commentary Sri-bhashya of Ramanuja, trans- lated into Telugu and edited by Para-vastu Srlui- vasa Jagan-natha Svami.] pts. 4-10. Vizaga- pntam, 1890-1892. 8°. 14174. b. 27. Imperfect, wanting pfs. 1-3 and 11 scq., and containinq only pjJ. 69-204. Pp. 193-214 {scil. to the end of I. i. 3) and 1-4 of the next chapter (I. i. 4) are to be found in the Sakala- vidydbhivardhani, vol. iii. 1 — iv. 1. C