Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/22

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19 BADAEAYANA- -EALLI 20 ^•&?§(S3 ^P't^OTX'KiS^ , ^-tr°sSr«^ofec«r»S-5:r'§4r»§-(3^fSS- ■(ir»So2Xi«'?5o . . . ^^sa-^3'^^^^6^yg's5M. [Andhra-san- rakamu. The Bralima-sutra, in Sanskrit, with Telugu literal interpretation and commentary compiled from the monistic expositions of Sankara and Piiimananda by Valluri Jagan-natha Rau, assisted by Maha-bhasliyamu Venkata-ramana Sastri.] pp. iii. vi. 199, 194. ^<5'^ii no-o-s^ [Madras, 1889.] 8°. 14048. dd. 1. Extends only to the cud o/adhyaya ii. ^■&?§.«i-jiroJJo2M?i' . . . (5j$5'fw^(^23;^ ^'^1^=*'^ [Brahma-sutrartha-sangrahamu. The Aphorisms in Sanskrit arranged in tabular form, with Telugu paraphrases aud synopses of the exposition of them given in Sahkara's Bhashya, by Valluri Jagan-natha Rau.] pp. ii. 1 13. Vizagapntam, ncr-V [1894.] 8°. 14048. dd. 30. Extends only to the end o/adhyaya ii. BAIRAGI, China. See China Bairagi. BALAJI DASTJ, nf AnahapalU. 5J'9^^o^^4J'§^aM S3^6s'cjj. [Harischandropakhyanamu. The story of the truthful king Harischandra, told in the lyrical-dramatic yalcslia-gdna style. Edited by Ryali Narayana Rau.] pp. 56. Cocanada, 1900. 8°. 14175. a. 3.(6.) BALA KAVI, Darhhalamifta Pulugundla. See SixA-EAMUDU (Bala Kavi). BALA-KRISHNA MUDALIYAR, V.Bdma-svumi-pu°. ^'ec Mahi-PATI. oooift^ . . . s^v . [Bhakta-mala. Compiled by Bala-krishna.] [1901.] 8°. 14174. b, 56. Sec MAni-PATi. o o o lQuit'^h rr^ek i^^ [Pipfiji-rajan-charitram. With Tamil translitera- tion, translation, and commentary by Bala- krishna.] 1900. 8°. 14170. ee. 35.(6.) See PuRANAS. — Brahmtindii-puruna. ^-"^g- ^-!f:^^-u^^&r>c!im -5.» II [Adhyatma - ramayana. Translated into Telugu prose by I'rda-krislina.] 1909. 8°. 14174. b. 17. O • • • ^*^S'^^*S" ^ip'SiSu. [Alvar- acliaryula vaibhavaiiiu. A poctn on the legendary history of the Arvars or apostles of the southern Vaishiiava church, comjjiled from divers Tamil sources.] jjp. iv. 278; 22 plates. ^<^<^" n^on [3Iadras, 1901.] 8°. 14174. b. 58. BALA-KRISHNUpU, Bdlaya-pu°. (^ . • • ^sr^TiS. Tr>2i^&^ tSx,. [Varada-raja-satakamu. 104 verses addressed to the god Varada-raja, a form of Vishnu.] pp. 20. «i^8 [Madras, 1861.] 16 14174. 1. 1.(4.) BAIA-SARASVATI, ElaMchi. See Bhartki-hari. s» e; '^j-= ^ a cis sio "s>uii fBhartri-hari-subhashitamu. With a Telugu poetical version by Bala-sarasvati, styled Malla-bhupallyaniu.] 1904. 8°. 14070, dd. 32.(1.) /See Bhartri-hari. ■^s'^gj-^S'^'ri-^® }So^. zr-^ . [Bhartri - hari - subhashita - sangrahamu. Selections from the versions of Bala-sarasvati, e/c] 1905. 8°. 14175. a. 10.(6 ) BALA-SARASVATI KODURI VENKATACHALA. See Venkatachalamu, K. S. BALA-SUBRAHMANYA BRAHMA-SVAMI, Paramn- lianisa, of Madura. See Maha-bhakata. — Modern Versions. [Bhagavad- g/td.l o o o i^'ifKsair' T^T^^&iSis. [Bhagavad-gita. With Telugu inter- pretation and commentary styled "gudhartha- dipika, by Bala-subrahmanya.] [1900.] 8°. 14065. c. 50. See Maha-bharata. — Modern Tersio7is. iBJiagavad-glta.] oo° ^^-^Ks^iT-iS-^-^^pr^^p [Bhagavad-gita. With '^raliasyartha-bodhini, a Telugu translation and exposition by Biila-subrah- manya.] 1900. 16°. 14065. b. 22. See TJPANISHADS. ooo^^)j-oS,t)Sx&S)^. [Keuo- panishad. With the Telugu commentary Keno- panishad-dipika of Bala-subrahmanya.] [1900.] 8°. 14007. b. 12.(1.) BALLALA. ^zts&i^-xr'^^Sd^^S . . . Bhojamaha- raja charitram [or Bhoja-prabaiidlia. The Sanskrit romance of king Bhoja.] With notes [in Telngu]. pp. ii. 147. il/a,?m.s-, 1890. 12°. 14058. a. 4. Forms fart of "V. Venhataraya Sastry's Sanslrit Scries." BALL! to^^^^c^^- «^^^^. [Halli-patanainu. 78 Sanskrit stanzas on the omens implied in the full of the house-lizard. With Telugu paraphrase, and a Telugu appcndi.v on the omens in the lizard's