Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/44

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63 GATTU- -GOPALA-KItlSHNA 64 GATTU PRABHTJ, EUana-pu°. (continued). ° ° ° A coj' ^;se>(y-§iJ9^^s&) [Yajnavalkya-charitramu. A composition in 3 cantos of mixed verse and prose, narrating the legendary history of the Vedic theologian Yajnavalkya, and dedicated to a certain Uddandi Lingaya Mantri. Published with a preface by Bendapiidi Lakshmana Ran from a ms. supplied by Lingamagunta Janaki- r;ima, and edited by B. Vira-raghava Sastri.] pp. 2, 2, 68. ^^^ [B<q)atla,] 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 27. GAURANA MANTRI, Aijyala-pu°. -g*^^o^s&. . . . t3c3>M§'5'^ctfii,«i^X'e)a. The Calamities of Haris- chandra [i.e. Harischandropakhyanarau, a poem on the legend of king Harischandra of Ayodhya and his sufferings in the cause of truth,] with extracts from the Navauatha charitra (or "Legend of the Nine Worthies ") : being Telugu poems, written in . . . couplets by Gaurana Mantri about the year A.D. 1600. [With a preface signed " C. P. B.", i.e. Charles Philip Brown.] pp. ii. i. 259. jMission FreKs: Vej>ery(3Tadras), I8i2. 8". 14174. k. 28. A, . . . sr'S5'^Oi^*i^4r°§^5SDfSi e)CS5J-g-'S§s& [Harischandropakhyanamu. Edited by Kokanti Kesavacharyulu.] pp. 227. ncrs^'t^ [Madrnn, 1864.] 8°. 14174. k. 29. GAUTAMA. T'eJsfo ij_^^^s&i . . . Q^^mpm^ii- Laa= n m^ ULti. [Gautama-dharma-sastramu. A Sanskrit metrical code of religious law, in 14 chapters. With a Telugu interpretation. Edited by Vavilla Ilama-sviimi Sastri, assisted by Chakra- varti Kavi-tarkika-simham Ranga-uathacharyidu.] pp. 146. no-F-Q y/ttdras, 1890.] 8°. 14038.d.29. A • • • ^'i>^^^ . . . SJlT'g.TT'^gcSr' S5)"^§, ?o5SiJ)5eJS -s»ll [Dbarma-sutra. With Hara-datta's commentary Mitiikshara. Sanskrit text, edited with Telugu interpretation of ch. xxix. {dai/a-hh(7g(x) by Sattauiiru Kalyana-suudara Sa,- stri.] pp. iv. 240. "S^^n ni^ol [Madras, ld03.] 8°. 14039. b. 29. GEOGRAPHY. Second Geography. ^Yt-K^^'T'^^sm. ])p. ii. iii. 217. London Mission Press: Viznga- patam, 1864. 12". 14174. n. 4.(2.) GEOGRAPHY {continued). Telugu Geographical Primer. ^j-?r*^2r*9p . Second edition, pp. 60. Christian Vernacular Education Society: American MissionPress : Madras, 1865. 12°. 14174. n. 4.(1.) GHATTU PRABHU. See Gattu Prabhu. GHULAM KADIR. [TAfe.] See Siva-s Ankara Sastui, Kasfuri. }(i'j-'M.sjj^l^!&TS [Ghulam-Kadir- charitra.] [1900.] 8°. 14058. b. 44. GOLDSMITH (Oliver). Padmini vilasam. [Being the poem "Edwin and Angelina" from the "Vicar of Wakefield " with a Telugu metrical version] by Hanumunta Vajjala Veeraraghavaih [sic~ . . . Edited by Satyavolu Gunnaswar Row. (SSj?)©- er-^sxx,.) pp. ii. 12. iJ/Zore, 1901. 8°. 14174. k. 66.(6.) GOOROOMOORTEE. See Guru-murti Sastri. GOPA ZAVI, Ka'iclieUa Allana-linga-pu°. o o o TT^'S'if ^^d'S'sio . [Dasai-athi-satakamu. 101 verses in praise of the divine hero Rama. Edited by A. Anantacharyulu.] pp. 22. n2£_2 [Madras ? 1845.] 16°. 14174. 1. 1,(1.) GOPALA-KRISHNAMA SETTI, Nara-hari. See Strange (T.L.). h^osi^if^T'^rSo^^^^. [Hindii- dharma-sastra-sahgrahamu. Translated by Chin- naya Siiri, assisted by Nara-hari Gopala-krishnama Setti.] [1858.] 8°. 14174. d. 1. g5pALA-KRISHNA YACHENDRA, Vehigofi Bau- gdru, Sarvnjna Kumdra, Raja of Venlcatagiri. Hindu matha virodha bhuDJani. Sj^cair> si)a ss^^ ■efi'caip. A collection of articles [in defence of Hinduism] contributed by . . . the late Ex-Rajah of Venkutghiri, C.S.I. Reproduced from the Andhraprakasika, etc, pp. 34. Madras, 1892. 12°. 14174. a. 20. Ci" • • • sSoTTlJn'^lSsSM. WiSol^^g^A^o^SM. [Manas-sakshyamu. A work criticising Vedic and other ritualism, and advocating Vaishnava monism and dtivotional rites founded tlioreupon.] p]). iv. 1:30. Madras, oo^^r" [1889.] 8°. 14174. b. 18. The ' Manassaksliimatham' (a uow method of religious reform) . . . translated into English by Sripati Suryanarayana. pp. 63. Madras, 1894. 8°. 14174. b. 35.