Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/45

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65 GOPALA-KRISHNA- -GORDON 66 GOPALA-KRISHNA YACHENDRA, Vclugaf.i Barl- gdru, Sarvajna Kunidra, liaja of VenJiatagiri {con- ttnucd). ^^,...■iy^^-^$oi^^rSh-^sh^. wt&^Je^- ^KJO^sSx:. [Nastika-dhvanta-bhiiskaramu. A re- futation of atheism as advocated by C. Bradlaugb, J. Symes, and the Buddhists.] pp. iv. 92. ^c^^" r»^o-a- [Madras, 1888.] 8°. 14174. b. 13. O

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^?fj0^sS». [Nirguna-vada-nirakaranamu. A po- lemic against the doctrine which regards the First Principle as unqualified.] pp.28, ^j^^ II no- o-r~ [Madras, 1889.] 8°. 14174. b. 16.(1.) (^ . . . ^iS^'&kj^'lj-o?^t'aSb^sM . . . psj^g- ^r^gffs&j [Ratna-shatkangnliyakamu. 6 Sanskrit maxims (viz. d.aivam satyam, sninranam saranam, upakdrah hdryah, sad-dharmu na tydjya/i, mJiw rahshyu/i,aud hhavishyaddlochamyam) with Tclugu dissertations thereupon.] pp.38. i)7af/rrt.s, <~)crcr;~ [1889.] IG°. 14174. f. 2. dj • • • Ti^^onp. [Sabha-raiajani. A work on the theory of the sentiments conveyed in music and drama, the persons representing tlieni, their modes of expression, and tlie theory of music] pp. V. 92. ^^^11 ocTF-o [Madras, 1890.] 8°. 14174. e. 11. ,•!,... TSoa^CeJ el' CTr'"WreJ^. t9?So«^ S' C,^,o- ^5&i. [Sandigdha-tattva-raddhantamu. Discus- sions on various problems of theology, and their answers.] pp. iv. 40. ^(^^ ncrF~o [Ifadrns, 1890.] 8°. 14174. b. 24. [Sarva-mata-sara-sangrahamu. A summary of the doctrines of the chief religious and philo- sophical schools of India and Persia.] pp. 78. ^<i-^ii n^^^ [A;a(7rns, 1889.] 12°. 14174. b. 21. G5PALA-KRISHNAYYA, 3f. J^e^r-^sxrasiw -^u [Jataka-bhushana. A Sanskrit manual of astro- logy. With Telugu translation.] 190G, etc. See Periodical Publications. — Madra/<. s^^gs3 Vidyavati, dc. vol. i., no. 1, efc. 190G, etc. 8°. 14174. ff. 1.1.V01. 1, etc.) GOPALA-RAMA-DASUpU, B. il; • • • ^ p,-5r'^Sosbo- 5s;Jsi)paocs.-cSc>^Tr»^SkM . [Sita-svaynnivaramu. A dramatic poem, in yalisha-gJna style, on the epic legend of Sita's choice of Rama and their bridal, especially intended for study by women and girls. Edited by SrlramathamVenkata-subrahtnanyudu.] pp. 12. Madras, 1887. 8°. 14174. k. 44.(3.) GOPALA-RAU, Ufiihum Venhata. See Vknkata- GOPALA JiAIJ, U. GOPALA-RAU NAYADU, P., of liajuhnmndry. Andhra bhasha chcritra sangraham (e3o^g,^ic>- iSd^-^o^^^^). [An essay on the history of the Telugu language.] ])p. 12. llajahmundry, 1896. 8°. 14174. n. 30.(3.) Fohnx no. ..ix. of the Chintamani Series. GOPALA SASTRI, S'»s«r/,(. gl'iS'e.'sS-S. The Jnana- lahari. [A collection of Sanskrit Vedantic text.s, with commentaries of the Advaita school in Sanskrit, English, and Telugu, etc.'] Edited and published by Susarla Gopalasastry. Madras, 1909, etc. 8°. 14049. ccc. 1. In progress, GOPALAYYA (Tinna Suri). i^s^.^sSoer^oiS'So'S'S. [Hauumat-paiicliavimsati. 25 verses in praise of the monkey-god Hauuman. Edited by Nayini Ramayya Nayadu.] pp. 12. [Madras? I860?] 16°. 14174. i. 2.(2.) GOPALAYYA, T., (Sant.ananda Yogi). SeeVEMANA. s»o-»i3oi3o^e)"3o2kS'cSS£)SJ5S;'3Jo£>J . . . (Vamana patliia- mulu.) 3200 [verses. Edited by T. Gopakyya.] 1909. 8°. 14175. a. 36. GOPI-NATHA VENKATA KAVL See Venkata Kavi, G. p. GORDON (John W.). See Bible. — Complete Bills. The Holy Bible in the Telugu Language . . . [Tiio Old Testament] translated by the Rev. Messrs. Gordon and Pritchett. 1857, 1860. 8°. 3068. e. 14. See Bnii.E.—Comidrfe Dildes. The Holy Bible . . . [Comprising Hay's translation of Gen., Ex., Lev., Ps., and Prov. : Pritchett and Gordon's version of the remainder of the O.T., partly revised, eic] 1881. 4°. 3070. g. 9. See Bible. — -New Testament. The New Testament . . . translated . . . into Teloogoo, by Edward Pritchett . . . [assisted by J. Gordon], etc. 1818. 8°. 1410. h. 4. See Bible — Neio Testament. The Xew Testament in Teloogoo [in Pritchett's version, revised from the notes of Gordon]. Vol. i., etc. 1829. 8°. 3068. c. 12.