Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/68

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Ill MAHA-BHAEATA MAHA-BHAEATA 112 kana's version of the Maha-bharata on four classes of theological and ethical themes. Compiled by P. V. Subrahmanya Eeddi, and edited by Sresh- thuliiru Kuppan-ayyangarlu.] pp. ii. 6, 221, iv. ■^^S'^ii [.l/at^msj 1885. 8°. 14174. k. 42. 2^^6-p^tS^ir'^s^. [Bharata-sara-ratuavali. 165 verses from the beginning of the Pravritti-pra- karanamu, with word-for-word interpretation and notes.] See Vekkata-supba Sastri, S. Copious Annotations on the Telugu Text for the Matricu- lation, etc. 1888. 8°. 14174. k. 45.(1.) MODEEN VEBSIONS. [Two or More Parvas.] See Kukma-natha MA^'TEI. ^ . . . S'^('5'e§yS55'§t-sio. [Karna-parvamu and Salya-p°.] ' 1906. 8°. . 14175. a. 20. ©a AsSD5j-6?r>»eJ;iu^r2j£l ^o^jS^cSSSJo [sic]- [Santi-trayamu. Being a prose epitome of the Stri-parvamu, Santi-parvamu, and Anusasana-par- vamu, by N. Guru-linga Siistri.] 2 pts. pp. iv. 191, iii. 122. -cr^^SI^-rso o^o^ [Madras, 1902.] 4°. 14175. c. 1. The title-page appears to have been originally that for the seconrl part only, and over the word Samnti-parvamu [sie] is pasted a label bearing the collective title Samnti-triyamu. [Adi-parva.] See Venkata-krishnatya, II. V. Droupadee swayamvaram . . . Adopted [sic] from a . . . story in tlie first Parvam of Mahabharatam. 1904. 8°. 14174. h. 30.(3.) [Aranya-parva.] i^ ■ • • cs6.lli£;*^^- [Yaksha- prasnalu. Being the questions of a Yaksha and the replies of Yudhishthira, forming chap, cccxii. 4o- 131 of the Aranya-p°., in Sanskrit. Edited with Telugu paraphrase, etc., by T. K. Eamauujachar- yulu.] pp. viii. 22. Madm>!, 1901. 8°. 14065. c. 53. ^^ . . . ciSi3l^^5'^c•S»ex^. [Yakslia-prasna- iiiulu. Rendered into Telugu verse by Koman- rluru Srinivasacharyulu.] pj). 12. 1904. See Pekiodical Publications. — Nellore. {(£sSx>^&JiS ^A^o? "5>.%5li) [Amudi'ita-grantha-chintJimnni.] vol. xvii., no8. 1, 2. 1885-1904. 8°. 14174. k. lUvol. 17.) [Asva-medha-parva.] [For the Jaimini-bharatamu or Asva-medha-parvainu ascribed to Jaimini, partly parallel to the Asva-medLa-p°. of the Maha-bharata :] See Jaimini. [For editions of the TJttara-gita, purporting to be derived from the Asva-medha-parva or the Bhlshma-p°. :] See Uttara-gita. [Bhagavad-gita.] See Venkata Sastri, Indrahanti G. ^Ks^e§sx> -gojli [Hari-siikti-tarangini. Being the Bhagavad-gita adapted into dvipada verse] 1897. 12 14174.1.18. T3feo-s^!;rA'5jfee^e» [Bhagavad-gita. Sanskrit text, with a Telugu interpretation and commen- tary styled Pada-yqjaui by Rama-chandrananda Sarasvati. Edited by N. Deva Perumallayya.] pp. 212. n^^n [Madras, 1861.] 8°. 14065. c. 13. "SixW [Bhagavad-gitii. Sanskrit text, with Pada- yojani of Eama-chandrananda Sarasvati. Edited by D. Verikata-subba Sastri.] pp. 170. oo-el.? [Madras? mZ.] 8°. 14065. c. 21. '■2>»li [Bhagavad-gita. Sanskrit text, with Rama - chandranauda's commentary.] pp. 150. ^t^<^" n^'6^ [Madras, .] 8°. 14C65. c. 37. ^^jio. SKg-5-^sj§^. [Bhagavad-gita, or °gitalu. A rendering in Telugu verse by Verauganti Dattoji. Edited by M. Buchchayya.] pp. 90. Madras, ?,n. 8°. 14174. k. 12.(4 ) o o i^ifTA's^ cT" -^zp^hli^^ [Bhagavad- gita. Sanskrit text, with Telugu interpretation of each word and a Telugu commentary based on that of Saiikara, and styled °gudhartha-dlpika, by Bfda-subrahmanya Brahma-svilini. Second edition.] pp. 6, 809. ^^^n n^oo [J/,„^-o.s 1900.] 8°. 14065. 0. 50. o o o ^^if7<^^ir'^ir'ir>^^i^^p [Bhagavad- gitil. Sanskrit text, printed side by side with Bhagavad-glta-rahasyartha-bodhini, a Telugu translation and exposition of the (jitfi by Bala- subrahnianya Bralima-svami.] pt. i. jip. 288. ^^^11 [il/arfras,] 1900. 16^ 14065. b. 22. ^ ■^K^biT'^-isr*^^. [Bhagavad-gita. San- skrit text, with a Telugu paraphrase, styled