Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/95

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1G5 r U R ANAS— [ A-A-/1 NDA .P".] PURANAS — [ visiixu-i".] 166 position adapted from ilio section of the snmc name in tbo Skauda-purfD.Ki.] 190G. 8°. 14174. bb. 17. t5^^8'^eJ^s&^2r> ^aiii [Vinayaka-vvata-kalpa Cvrata-katha), Sarasvatl-v°.-k°., Vara-Likslnni- v°.-k°., Ananta-padmanabha-v°.-k°., Matliana- dvadasl-v°.-k°., aud Kedai-esvara-v°.-k°. Sanskrit lectionaries foi" the legends and rituals of 6 festivals, nos. 1, 2, and 6 purporting to be from the Skanda-p°., and nos. 8-5 from the Bhavi- shyottara-p°. With Telugu ti-anslation.] pp. i. 68. ocr^3 [Madras, 18G3.] 8°. 14028. c. 10. li? [sic] . . . UOKJ^S^siiJ (Z^odjdojiz^ii) [Balaja-chari- tramu, or Chandra-vamsa-ch°. An account in 4 dsvdsas of the legeuda'i-y origins of the Balaja caste claiming descent from the epic hero Bala- rama ; purporting to be a prose version of a part of the Malaya-khanda of this Parana, translated by M. R. Yallappa.] pp. 43. jSorttfjstij n:jrn [Bangalore, ISn.] 12°. 14174. f. 31. (^ . . . (^•(en>Jr-o^^T7'ra°o«3B>^l5o-?3lJ§-53-'S'§Jj>o«'oc;S?r ^^^'xli^l^^ csfi^'sSSa^BeJo... ^^53-S«'^o,6^tr'4T'§^o. [Harischandr5pakhyana. The legend of king Harischandra of Ayodhya, his sufferings caused by his maintenance of his promise, and his final reward, in 60 chapters of Sanskrit verse. Followed by a Telugu prose epitome {sara-sangraha) by Nelaturu Veiikata-subba Sastri.] pp. iv. 134, 82. "j3oAb?tn.i& ocro-_9 [Bangalore, 1882.] 8°. 14018. b. 18. ^4j sfe Ji (5' O eJ P A" aSj' X" sSj' o ef p Xcr» ■^T' ^ ej ? SJ e? e^C S rs E- ^ TV ^ TV»7f!-°.S,?S^qS'5' [,v('c] S o^D^'S'eJo SSsSo OSes' Sx*ooS3-" IT'? 2r» - lJ5S3^^f;-o^i^-CT'i:^^a^?^[sjc] ^o5'6^oan>eF'^'eJ[si'c] . . . ^S'??5J'?3§4)0(Soa3j5'So. t5 -g-'- 5^0^^5,-3-" 3 po8b,XSi - SiS'^'S^S'gj&i. [Siva-rahasya-khandamu. A work on the Saiva legends and cults, in 7 sections, styled Sambhava-kanda, Asura-k°., Vlra-mahen- dra-k°., Yuddha-k°., Deva-k°., Daksha-k°., and Upadesa-k°., and forming the first of the 12 lihandas of the Sankara-samhita in this Puriina. Rendered into Telugu, chiefly prose, under the title of Tattva-prakasini, by Mudigonda Brah- maya-linga Aradhya. Edited by M. Kanakiidri Sastri aud others.] pp. vi. 288. r><y>lF- [Madras, 1859.] 4°. 14174. c. 3. PUEANAS (rontinued). SKANDA-P0EANA {conlinucd). ^X^o^e)Sr•^ (^ -(in) 6- o iS ^ XT' w o eJ J^ «S ;& «b disss' sS'oSg^^- &XM. [Siva-rahasya-khandamu. Paraphrased by Mudigonda Brahmaya-linga Aradhya.] pp. 8, 416. ^(S'^ii [Madras,] 18Q(J. S 14174. b. 48. See Venicatachalamu, K. S. Sivarahasya khaudum [adapted into verse,] c•^•. 1002. 8°. 14174. bbb. 2/2.) -^^^£ssb,tSS-«oi&/.lJ2» -SCO II [Sujnana-dipn, or Guru-gita. Four chapters, purporting to be from the Uttara-khanda, upon the greatness and doctrine of the Advaita teachers. Followed by the Gurv-ashtaka aud Bhranti-rahita-sloka, short popular religious poems. Sanskrit text, with Telugu word-for-word interpretation and para- phrase to each verse by Philkhana Sankara Riiu, etc. Edited by P. Seshach.'damu Nayudu.] pp. ii. 152. sh,^ixi C'^F-^ [Madras, 1898.] S 14016. c. 54. 000 S7^=c^s^^^SJ«JS'e;^s5j^. [Vinayaka-vrata-kalpa. A Sanskrit tract on the legend and cult of the festival of Ganesa. With Telugu translntion, etc.] pp. 12. Cocanada, 1899. 12°. 14028. b. 61.(3.) VAEAHA-PURANA. [For the Bhngavad-gita-mahatmya from this Purana, included in editions of the Bhagavad- gita :] See Maha-bharata. See Mallayta, N. S., and Singayya, Gh. N. Varaha purauamu. [An adaptation.] 1904. 8°. 14174. bb. 14. sio "SodII [Venkatachala-mahatmyamu. The legends of the sanctuary of Tirupati. Rendered into Telugu verse by Sishtu Krishn.a-miirti. Edited by Dampuri Venkata-subba Sastri.] pp. 46. '^•^^i'^nsia n^ylo- [Madras, 1858.] S°. 14174. k. 31. VI3HNTT-PURANA. See ACHYUTAMATYODU, p. V. (^sSoJSp^SJ'Ci^jSg"- ^^yntM. [Abhinavilndhra- vishnu-puranamn. An adaptation.] [1899.] 8°. 14174. bbb. 1. See S!ta-eama-sv.mi, T.B. (^ ■ ■ • i^Si^^v^ti^. [Vishnu -puranamu. A poetical adaptation.] [1904.] 8°. 14174. bb. 13.