Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/96

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167 PURANDAEA- -EAGHAVACHAEYULU 1G8 PURANDARA DASA. [Life.'] See Venkata-vi- THALA Dasu. (^5in>g~. .. ^^ o!Sii-cr'-f>i tS w [Puran- dara-dasu-charitramu.] 1898. 8°. 14175. a. 3.(5.) PURNANANDA GOSVAMI, disciple of Brahmci- nanda. s3.fej^(£^p&^Sr3Si>3. [Shat-chakra-uiru- panamu. A Sanskrit metrical tract on the Yogic theory of the activity of the cosmic Energy at the 6 centres of the microcosm. With Telugii interpretation.] See Venkatesvarudd, P. s^SS®- •in-^p^ [Advaita-sudha-nidhi.] vol. ii., pp. 78- IGI. 1905. 8°. 14174. bb. 16.(vol. 2.) PURNAYYA, Tanih'Ua, nf Narsapur. Ranisam- yukta. A historical drama in six acts [on the story of Prithviraj, king of Ajmer, and his struggles with the Moslems.] (xj^rsTSoa&i J^ o^fci- h'^.) pp. ii. 96. Ellore, 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 52.(8.) PURUSHOTTAMACHARYULU, Adharapuram. See Takatamya. ^^ ■ ■ ■ i^si^-^t^&iij^^a-SMW [Tiirata- myadi - sad- ratna- mala- vivriti. Compiled by Purushottamacharyulu.] [1909.] old. 8°. 14028. dd. 25. PURUSHOTTAMU, Chaudhari. [Life.] See John, (7(. Biography of Ch. Purushottara, the Telugu Christian poet, e^c. 1901. 12°. 14174. f. 22. See Candy (T.) . In whom shall we trust ? . . . [Translated by Purushottamu.] [1835 ?] 12^ [BeUary Tracts.'] 14174. a. 37.(1.) [1863.] 16°. 14174. a. 4.(22.) See Carey (W.). Darkness dispelled . . . [Translated into Telugu by Purushottamu.] 1861. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(7.) See Concord. What Concord between Light and Darkness ? . . . [Translated by Purushot- tamu.] 1862. 16". 14174. a. 4.(10.) See Jagan-natiia. On the Worship of Jngaunath . . . [Translated by Purushottamu.] 18G1. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(9.) See Pearce (W. H.). The true Refuge . . . [Trauslated liy Purusliottanm.] 1863. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(21.) ■ See PUUANAS. 5rt.r«j sSdJJ ,S K^e-^^. Qr Hinduism disclosed . . . 15y a native catochist [viz. Purushottamu.] 1862. 16°. 14174. a. 5. PURUSHOTTAMU, Chaudhari {continued). On Caste. Sby^^cT'JJsSj;. (On Idolatry. S^X^sj-- P2jr3Sc«. History of Salvation. ^S^n^b^^.) [Three Christian tracts, nos. 2 and 3 being in verse.] (V.T.S. No. 6, 16, 15.) pp. 28, 11, 90. London Mission Press ; Vizagapatam, 1861-1864. 16°. 14174, a. 4.(6, 12, 24.) No. 1 is in the 6th edition, nos. 2 and 3 in the 5th. The Mind every thing. sS^^ ^^ Sanysia. [A Christian tract.] (V.T.S. No. 28.) pp.21. London Mission Press : Vizagapatam, 1863. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(19.) PURUSHOTTAMUpU, Kdsida. Andhra nayaka satakam. [103 verses on the Yaishnava cult of Chicacole.] {^^^-!s-o^^,-^ai^t 9^^^.) pp.49. Ellore, 1906. 12°. 14174. a. 29.(2.) PURUSHOTTAMUpU, iVa-ie/Za. s^a ^4^^ir's;7-^_^S- Sio fc5,^ "5L5' "S)5S |S,?OC^'^ f^j^!&:^S^ &JS TPsSb-"- csira.^ -grail [Adbhutottara-ramayanamu, or Slta- mahatmyamu. A poem in 7 cantos on the epic story of Sltii, wife of Rama.] pp. 3, 24, 7, 210. Madras, 1907. 8°. 14175. a. 10.(10.) ^^^^ ^-^y^?? ye^r^fio. [Manohara- tomesvara-satakamu. 108 lyrical verses to Siva- Somesvara as worshipped at Kodur.] pp. 43. i3o<£& [MasuUpatam,] I'^OO. 12°. 14174. a. 18.(2.) iJj^&lx>^o«b7=-fe3 sj'Sr^ -fj-iorrfb -5x10 Ii [Strila mitingu-nati hari-katha-natakamu. A comedy representing a meeting of the supporters of liberal reform in the condition of women.] pp. 94. ^?^^ii _Madrasi] 1908. 12°. 14174. h. 33.(3.) PUSHPA-GIRI TIMMANNA. See Timmanna. RAGHAVACHARI, N. V., of A. E. L. M. College, Gwdur, and NARAYANA RAU, N., of Toicn High School, Guidur. An Auglo-Telugu Plirase Dictionary, pp. i. i. 127. Bezwada, 1908. 12°. 14174. m. 31. RAGHAVACHARYULU, Fanchavgam. See Rama- NUJACHARYUI.U, K. K. (^ • • • S^ra^li [Rijhana- iifitakamu. Edited by R.] 1884. 12°. 14174. h. 2. RAGHAVACHARYULU, Panchaiigam Nrisimhd- ch(lnja-pU°. ^ ■ ■ ■ Sr'a5'^o,B^^;)7'§jS'.-i». SC^- T^sgsoD. [Harischandropakhyfinamu. A version of the legend of king Ilarischandra's sufferings