Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/433

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and continued his medical and surgical studies in Chicago, London and Dublin. His degrees were: M. D., Chicago; M. R. C. S. and L. R. C. P., London; F. O. S., Dublin. He was also a member of the Medical Society of Nova Scotia, and president of that Society in 1878.

For many years previous to his death he was professor of obstetrics in the Hali- fax Medical College, and surgeon at the Victoria General Hospital, Halifax.

After completing his medical course at London, Dr. Slayter served a term as liouse surgeon at the Westminster Hos- pital and subseqeuently was assistant to Forbes Winslow, the eminent English alienist. He began practice in Cliicago and became assistant to Dr. Brainard on the surgical staff of Rush Medical College, and acquired a good practice. On the death of his brother, the heroic Dr. John Slayter, in 1S6G, he removed to Halifax, and became one of the leading practi- tioners. His kindly and genial manner and generous disposition gained for him a host of friends, and his musical talents, which were of a high order, won him a still larger circle of admirers.

He married a Miss Clarke, of Chicago, and had a large family. Two of his sons entered the profession — Dr. John Slayter, of the Royal Army Medical Corps, and Dr. Howard Slayter. D. A. C.

Small, Horatio Nelson (1 840-1 88G).

He was eldest of the three sons of Richard and Abigail Jose Small, of Buxton, Maine, and was born there November 10, 1840, receiving his early education in Guildhall, Vermont, whither his parents had removed during his child- hood, and ultimately graduating at the Dartmouth Medical School in 1862.

He immediately joined the army as assistant surgeon of the Seventeenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers. In August, 1863, he was made a full surgeon of the Tenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, serving as bri- gade-surgeon in the Ninth, Eighteenth and Twenty-Fourth Army Corps and received an honorable discharge at the end of the war as a soldier and officer.


Directly after the war Dr. Small came to Portland, associated himself with Dr. William Chaffee Robinson, took up the latter's practice during his last illness and at his death had all that he could possibly attend to as physician and obstetrician.

He was cliosen visiting physician to the Maine General Hospital, lecturer on obstetrics at the Portland School for Medical Instruction, surgeon on the governor's staff in 1879. Although his contributions to medical literature were not many, he read before the Maine Medical A.ssociation one or two memor- able papers, one of which was on " Nasal Catarrh," "Extra-uterine Pregnancy" (Maine Medical Association, 1893). He was quick in diagnosing and accurate and extraordinarily skillful and bold as an obstetrician and in the use of forceps, of which he was rather overfond. He could see no need for delicate women to wait dangerous delivery when with his skillful forceps he could rapidly terminate labor with safety to mother and the child. Ready in emergencies, in one case he was called in consultation, and upon entering the room and seeing the patient comatose, paid no attention to the consultant, but whipped out his lancet and opened a vein and when the patient was showing symptoms of rally- ing he began to talk about the case.

To see Dr. Small riding along during a procession was to see something noble, for he was a perfect picture of human skill on horseback and himself and his horse made an ideal picture. The l^iog- rapher recalls liim as being very kind to him, a stranger in a strange place, helping without question to money, to friends, and advancement in medicine when few were thinking of even offering any aid. Dr. Small was married November, 1862, to Harriet Newell, of Burke, Vermont, who survived him several years, but had no children. In 1884 he began to show signs of failure and was obliged to rest. On his return he seemed relieved, but although his disease was checked it was too serious to be cured, and he was com-