Encercler. To incircle, or incompasse; also, to hoope, or bind about.
Encernant. Enuironing, incompassing; incircling, hooping in, or about.
Encerné: m. ée: f. Enuironed, incompassed; incircled, hooped in, or about.
Enchafouiné: m. ée: f. Out of tune, out of temper, scuruie, as one that, through cold, hurkles like a cat, or is know not how.
Enchagriné: m. ée: f. Made melancholike, filled with melancholie; grieued, vexed, afflicted.
Enchagriner. To vex, afflict, make melancholicke, fill with carefulnesse.
Enchainé: m. ée: f. Enchayned, chayned; bound or tyed in, decked or inriched with, chaynes.
Enchainement: m. A chayning; a binding in, or bedecking with, chaynes.
Enchainer. To enchayne, to chayne; to bind, or ty in chaines; to decke, or inrich with chaynes.
Enchainure: f. A chayning; a chayne; chaynage; also, as Enchesneure. Enchalassé: m. ée: f. Propped, vnderset, held vp, as a vine, by poles, &c.
Enchalasser vne vigne. To prop, or vnderset a vine.
Enchambré: m. ée: f. Inchambred; lodged as in a chamber; also, mortaised, enclosed within.
Enchampre: f. A chizell; a cutting, caruing, or grauing toole.
Enchancré: m. ée: f. Cankered, festered, growne to a canker.
Enchancrer. To canker, or fester, as an old sore.
Enchanté: m. ée: f. Charmed, inchaunted; bewitched.
Enchante-coeur. Heart-charming, heart-inchaunting.
Enchantelé: m. ée: f. Supported, vnderset, borne or propped vp by stakes, as a vine, &c.
Enchanteler. To support; beare, stay, or prop, vp with stakes, as vines. Enchanteler du bois. To pile vp wood.
Enchantement: m. An inchaunting, or charming.
Enchanter. To charme, inchaunt, bewitch; bleare the eyes, deceiue the vnderstanding.
Enchanteries. Charmings, inchauntments; deceits, delusions, iugling trickes, subtill conueyances, sleights of legerdemain.
Enchanteusement. Charmingly, inchauntingly.
Enchapelé: m. ée: f. Crowned, or decked with garlands; also, hatted, or couered, as with a hat.
Enchapeler. To decke, or crowne with chaplets, or garlands; also, to hat, or set a hat on the head.
Enchapement d'une cheminée. The head, or broad top, of a chimney.
Enchaperonné: m. ée: f. Hooded, or attired with a French-hood.
Enchaperonnement: m. A hooding; also, the out-iutting, or ouer-hanging of the eaues, or bottome of a Roofe.
Enchaperonner. To hood; or couer the head with a (French) hood.
Enchappé. Wearing a coape; attired in a coape.
Enchappeler. as Enchapeler. Encharacteré: m. ée: f. Incharactered, written, or printed in characters.
Encharacterer. To incharacter, to write, or print, in characters.
Encharbouté: m. ée: f. Confused, or crumpled; ruffled on knots, as haire that hath beene long vncombed.
Enchardonné: m. ée: f. Weeded, rid, of thistles.
Enchardonner. To weed out thistles.
Enchargé: m. ée: f. Bid, commaunded, charged, inioyned; giuen in charge; also, cloyed, or ouer-charged.
Encharger. To bid, commaund, inioyne, charge, giue in charge to doe a thing. Encharger l'estomac. To surfet; to cloy, or ouer-charge the stomacke with too much meat. Femme qui encharge. That growes big on't; who burnishes, or whose bellie increases.
Encharné: m. ée: f. Incarnated, fleshed; whereon flesh is bred, or made grow. Encharné au coeur. Rooted, or fleshed, in the heart.
Encharnelé: m. ée: f. Propped, vnderset, vpheld, as a vine.
Encharneler vne vigne. To prop, or vnderset a vine.
Encharner. To incarnate, flesh, breed flesh on, make the flesh grow; A tearme of Chirurgerie.
Enchassé: m. ée: f. Enchaced, set into; also, driuen, or hunted away.
Enchassement: m. An enchacing, or enchacement; also, a driuing, or hunting away.
Enchasser. as Chasser; to driue, or hunt away. ¶Pic. Enchasser en or &c; to enchace, or set, in gold, &c.
Enchasseure: f. An enchacement; an enchacing, or setting in; and particularly, the stocke of a band, or cuffes.
Enchassillé de menuiserie. Compassed, bound, held in, by a frame, or band of wainscot; set in a wainscot frame. Presse enchassillée. A Printers Presse with a Tym-*pan.
Enchassiller. To set in; to enclose, compasse, bind, hold, in with a woodden frame.
Enchassure. Looke Enchasseure. Enchatonner. as Enchasser; to enchace.
Enchaucié: m. ée: f. Chaced, pursued; (An old word.)
Enchaulmé: m. ée: f. Thatched, or couered with straw.
Enchaulmer. To thatch, or couer with straw.
Enchausseure: f. A shooing; also, the measure of a foot, taken to make a shooe by.
Enche. as Anche; also, the Pipe, or gutter whereby wine falls from the Presse.
Encheinure. as Enchainure. Encheminer. as Acheminer; to set in the way.
Enchemisé: m. ée: f. Couered, or clothed with, put into, a shirt, or smocke.
Enchenard: m. Part of a womans, &c.
Enchepé: m. ée: f. Set in the stockes.
Encheper. To set in the stockes; also, to clap shackles, or boults on the legs of.
Enchere: f. A bidding, or out-bidding; the making or offering, the raising or enhauncing, of a price; any Portsale, Outrope, or bargaining, wherein he that bids most for a thing is to carrie it.
Folle enchere. is, when one hath bid too much for a thing, and then would go from his bargaine, but cannot; whence; Droict de folle enchere; See Droict.
Il en payera la folle enchere. He shall smart for it; he shall deerely abuy his being so busie, lustie, foole-hardie.
Mettre enchere sur. To outbid; or, bid money for what another is about to buy.
Mettre à l'enchere. To raise, or enhaunce the price of; to make deere; to set, or hold, at a very high rate;