Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/356

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to let goe vnto him that will bid most.

Encheri: m. ie: f. Raised, or enhaunced (also, risen) in price; made, held, or growne, deere; also, let goe, or passed ouer vnto such as haue bid most; also, endeered, or deerely cherished. Elle ne faisoit de l'encherie. She played not the cut-throat; she set not the dice on her customers; she held not her ware very deere.

Encherie: f. The Preparatiu*e vnto Melting, or Extraction; the first part of Alchimie.

Encheriment: m. An ouerprising; a raising, or enhauncing of a price; a rising in price, a growing very deere; also, an out-bidding; also, an endeering, or deere cherishing.

Encherir. To raise, or enhaunce the price of; to ouerprise, or make too deere; also, to rise in price, or grow deere; also, to out-bid, or bid more then another; also, to let a thing go vnto out-bidders; also, to endeere, or cherish deerely.

Encherisseur: m. A high-bidder, or out-bidder of others; a raiser or enhauncer of the price of things, in an Outrope, or Portsale.

Encherner. as Encharner. To flesh.

Encherre. as Encherir. Enchesneure: f. A chayne, or chayning; also, a rew, course, or succession of things linked together.

Enchet: m. A falling, or dropping; as of water, or of mettall that melteth.

Enchevallé: m. ée: f. Set, or lapped, as one foot ouer another.

Enchevaller. A horse to set, or lap, one foot ouer another.

Enchevestré: m. ée: f. Haltered; tyed, or fettered in a halter, or horse-coller; insnarled, intangled, as a horse with his owne coller; also, inueagled; insnared.

Enchevestrement. A haltering, or fettering; a being intangled with his owne halter, or coller; also, an inueagling.

Enchevestrer. To halter, fetter, tye in a halter, put in a coller; to insnarle, intangle, as a horse with his owne coller; also, to inueagle; or any way, to insnare.

Enchevestrure: f. A haltering, or tying in a horse-coller; a fettering, insnarling, intangling. Enchevestrure de cheminée. The Mantle-tree of a chimney.

Encheux. as Ançois; (vieil mot.) Enchiffré: m. ée: f. Cyphred; expressed, or set downe, in cyphers.

Enchiffrené: m. ée: f. Whose nose is stopt with a cold, or a rhewme; that hath the murrhe, or poze.

Enchiffrer. To cypher.

Enciré: m. ée: f. Waxed, waxie; mingled, couered, or seared with; made, compounded, or full of, wax.

Encirer. To wax; to couer, or doe ouer with wax; to make, or compound of wax.

Encis: m. The murthering of a great-bellied woman, or of the infant within her bellie.

Encisé: m. ée: f. Cut vp, or into.

Enciser. To cut vp, or into; to make an incision.

Enclave: f. A mortaise, or inlocking; an entrie into, or within, another thing; a lying one within another; also, a march, bound, or limit of Territorie, or Iurisdiction; a Precinct, or Libertie. Les enclaves d'une Province. The marches, bounds, or limits thereof (especially such as ly intermingled with those of another Prouince.)

Enclavé: m. ée: f. Inlocked, cocketed, mortaised, clo-*

*sed, or entered into, or within, another; layed, or lying within another; also, within the marches, or limits of.

Enclavement: m. An inlocking, or mortaising; a closing, or shutting; also, an entring within another; a laying, or lying, one within another.

Enclavemens. as Enclaves. Enclaver. To close, mortaise, locke, set, or shut one thing within another; also, to enter into another; to lay, or ly, as peeces of seuerall mens land, one within th' other.

Enclaveure: f. as Enclavement; or, a mortaise, or mortaised closure.

Enclin: m. An inclination, disposition, addiction, naturall affection, instinct, or humor vnto.

Enclin: m. ine: f. Jnclined, bent, prone, giuen, addicted, or disposed, vnto.

Encliré: m. ée: f. Jnclined, declined; bent, bowed, crouching, or stooping downeward; humbled, readie, or likelie, to fall.

Encliner. To incline, decline; bend, bow, looke, stoope downeward; to decay; to begin, or be readie, to fall; to hang to the ground-ward. S'encliner. To crouche, ducke, lout, make low courtesies; to humble himselfe before another.

Enclorre. To include, inclose, compasse, hedge, imparke, insould; shut in, or vp; also, to comprehend, containe, or comprise.

Enclos: m. An inclosure, or inclosing.

Enclos: m. se: f. Inclosed, enuironed, shut vp, kept in, on euerie side; imparked, insoulded, compassed, hedged in on all parts; also, contained, comprehended, comprised.

Enclostré: m. ée: f. Incloistered, shut vp within a cloister.

Enclostrer. To incloister, to shut vp within a cloister.

Enclosture: f. An inclosure, or inclosing; a close, or place hedged in.

Enclotir. To earth; to driue a Fox, or Conny into an earth, or berrie.

Encloucher. To prompt, or tell one what he shall say; (an old word.)

Encloüé: m. ée: f. Nayled; fastened, pricked, cloyed with a nayle. Ie m'y suis encloüé. I am ingaged therein to my great hurt, or disaduantage.

Enclouër. To nayle, to driue in a nayle; to fasten with a nayle. Enclouër artillerie. To cloy a peece of Ordnance; to driue a nayle, or yron pinne, into the touch-hole thereof. Enclouër vn cheval. To pricke a horses foot in the shooing.

Enclouëure: f. A pricke in a horses foot. Il y a bien de l'enclouëure. There is somwhat amisse, or some notable flaw in the matter. Il se doubta bien de l'enclouëure. Hee mistrusted, that all was not well, that there was some mischieuous plot in working.

Encloyer. To cloy, choake, or stop vp.

Enclume: f. An Anuyle; also, a little bone seated within the eare, and seruing, together with other parts, as a principall Instrument to distinguish the sounds brought vnto it.
  Couché entre l'enclume, & les marteaux. Lodged betweene two extreame dangers, or difficulties; perplexed, or afflicted which way soeuer he turne him.
  À l'enclume le marteau: Prov. A quarrelling, mutinous, or litigious fellow should be matched with one*