Enthroner. To inthronize, or set in a throne.
Enthusiasme: m. A rauishment of the spirit; diuine motion, or inspiration; poeticall furie.
Enthyrsé: m. ée: f. Decked, stucke thicke, wrapped about, with Ivie.
Entiché: m. ée: f. Tainted; faultie, vnsound, corrupt, corrupted, polluted; or, as Entaché; spotted, &c.
Entier: m. A graffing, or graffed stocke; also, a plot, or nurserie of graffed, or graffing stockes.
Entier: m. ere: f. Intire, whole, solide, sound; full; inuiolate; vnbroken; strong, firme, steadfast; assured, faithfull; also, vpright, sincere, honest, vnpartiall, iust; also, fast, constant, stiffe, obstinate in his opinion, whom nothing can remoue, no reasons dissuade, from a conceit once taken. Cheval entier. A stone-horse; also, a horse that turns vnwillingly, or is not pliant to his turne.
Entiercé: m. ée: f. Sequestred, into a third hand: ¶Orleannois. Entiercement: m. A sequestration, sequestring, or putting into a third hand.
Entiercer. To sequester, or put into a third hand.
Entierement. Intirely, wholly, fully, soundly, throughly, altogether; strongly, firmely, steadfastly, faithfully; vprightly, iustly, sincerely, honestly, vncorruptly.
Entiereté: f. Entirenesse, wholenesse, soliditie, soundnesse; also, honestie, integritie, sinceritie, vprightnesse; also, constancie, or obstinacie, in an opinion.
Entimbraillé. That beares a deuice on the top, or flourish hanging from the top, of his helmet.
Entimbré. as Entimbraillé. Entiquer. To cleaue, or sticke fast like a Ticke.
Entoilé: m. ée: f. Made of, or furnished with, linnen, or canuas; also, intangled, or caught, in toyles.
Entoiler. To make of linnen, to furnish, or garnish with, linnen cloth, or canuas; also, to intangle, or catch in toyles; or, to compasse, or hemme in with toiles.
Entoisé: m. ée: f. Bent, as a bow; lift vp, as a sword readie to execute, or strike.
Entoiser vn arc. To bend a bow. Entoiser vne espée. To lift vp a sword with an intention to strike.
Entombé: m. ée: f. Intombed, laied in a Sepulchre.
Entomber. To intombe, interre, lay in a Sepulchre.
Entombi: m. ie: f. Stonied, benummed, clumpse, asleepe.
Entommeure. as Entoumeure; or, as Entonnoir. Enton. A little graffe.
Entonnage: m. Tunnage, tunning.
Entonnelé. Tunned, put into caske.
Entonnelement: m. A tunning; or putting of liquor into caske.
Entonneler. To tunne (by a funnell.)
Entonné: m. ée: f. Singing, sounding, resounding; also, sung, tuned, or sounded; also, tunned, or put into a vessell with a funnell.
Entonnement. A sounding, or singing; also, a tuning, or giuing of a tune.
Entonner. as Entonneler; Also, to tune, sing, chaunt it; sound, resound; and most properly, to begin, or giue a tune, in singing &c.
Entonnoir: m. A funnell, or tunning-dish. Entonnoir matrical. An instrument vsed for th' infusion of medicines into the matrix; it may be also vnderstood of a P.
Entorce: f. A wrinch, wring, straine, gird, griping; also, crookednesse; also, a shrewd turne, sore part, or aggrieuance; an ouerthwarting.
Entorce: com. Wrie, crooked; and hence; Iambe entorce. Entorceure. as Entorseure; And, more peculierly, a wrinch in the backe-bone which turnes, and wries the ioynts thereof, and makes it of the forme of a Roman S. Entorné. Rounded, or incircled by; compassed about with.
Entors: m. A wrinch, wring, straine.
Entorse: f. as Entorce. Entorsé: m. ée: f. Wrinched; wrung, strained, wried, by-straying; wrested, griped; vexed, grieued, extreamely.
Entorser. To wrinch; to wring; to straine, or wrie by straining; to wrest, gripe; vex, aggrieue, extreamely.
Entorseure: f. A wrinch, wresting, wrying; Looke Entorceure. Entortillé. Writhed, writhen, wrigled; wound, twirld, twined about. Intestin entortillé. The third small gut, seated in the lower part of the Nauell; it is verie red, and makes many turnes, which extend vnto th' Os sacrum: In it the Chylus waxing thicker beginneth to rest.
Entortillement: m. A writhing, or winding about a thing; a turning into a rundle, or circle; a twining, twisting, curling, twirling.
Entortiller. To turne, writhe, wreath, or wind about; to plie, or fould into a round, rundle, or circle; to twine, twirle, twist, curle, round.
Entortillonné; & Entortillonner. as Entortillé, & Entortiller. Entouillé: m. ée: f. (Signifies most properly, berayed, or defiled; but the more commonly) pestered, incombered, hindered; snarled, intangled, confounded, without head or foot.
Entouillement: m. A filthie pestering, incombrance, impeachment, hinderance; confusion; intanglement.
Entouiller. (Is most properly, to beray, defile, make foule: but most commonly vsed for) to pester, incomber; insnarle, insnare, intangle; (and thereby) to confound, or hinder.
Entoumeure: f. A gobbet, a great bit, or cut of meat, &c; or as Entonnoir. Entour: m. A round, circle, rundle, compasse. Les entours d'vn ville. The liberties, or territorie belonging to a towne; the compasse of ground, or circuit of countrey, thats next vnto, or about, it.
Entour. About, round about; on all sides, on each hand, of. Tout à l'entour. In all places, countries, or quarters thereabouts.
Entouré: m. ée: f. Compassed, rounded, enuironed; inwrapped, inclosed, or hemmed in, on all sides; also, betowred; furnished, or beautified with towers, or turrets. Damoiselle entourée. Masked: ¶Rab. Entourellé: m. ée: f. Betowred; bedeckt, or begirt, with turrets.
Entourement: m. A compassing, euuironing, rounding, incircling, inclosing on all sides. Entourement d'eaux. A surrounding of waters.
Entourer. To compasse, enuiron, goe about, round, surround; inclose, infould, hemme in on euerie side; also, to furnish, or beautifie with towers.
Entoureure: f. Looke Entourure; & Entourement.
Entourné: m. ée: f. Rounded, inuironed, incircled, or compassed by; also, turned, or wound on; put, or wound about.