Explorateur: m. An explorator, espiall, scowt, priuie searcher.
Exploration: f. An exploration, search, or tryall by search.
Exploré: m. ée: f. Searched, or proued by search; looked farre into.
Explorer. To explore, spie, search or looke farre, into; to proue, or trie, by searching.
Expoliateur: m. A spoyler, robber, bereauer, or depriuer.
Expolié: m ée: f. Dispoyled, robbed, bereaued, or depriued of.
Expolier. To spoyle, dispoyle, rob, depriue, bereaue, of.
Expoly: m. ye: f. Polished, smoothed, sleeked, burnished; cleanlie, neat, fine, trimme, polite.
Exponce. as Esponce. A lawful quitting, leauing, or forsaking of the possession of land, &c.
Exponction. as Exponce. Exposé: m. ée: f. Exposed, set out, put or layed open to; a faire marke for; also, expounded, interpreted, explained. Enfant exposé. An outcast, or vnknowne child, that hath beene left in the fields, or at some doore.
Exposer. To expose, lay out, put or set open to; also, to expound, interpret, explaine.
Exposeur: m. An exposer; an expounder, interpreter, explainer.
Exposition: f. An exposition, interpretation, explanation.
Expres: m. esse: f. Expresse, speciall; of purpose; direct; manifest. Par expres; & tout expres. Expresly, specially, purposely; namely, chiefely; directly; seriously.
Expressement. as Par expres. Expression: f. An expression; pressing, straining, wringing, thrusting, squeezing hard together. Les expressions. A great motion and desire, but little or no power, to purge downewards.
Exprimé: m. ée: f. Expressed, shewed, declared, vttered, pronounced, signified; expounded, or translated. Estoit il assez exprimé de paroles? Could more haue beene said to that purpose? were there not words ynow spent in the matter?
Exprimer. To expresse, declare, shew, signifie; vtter, pronounce; also, to expound, or translate.
Exprobation: f. An exprobation; vpbraiding, reproaching, twitting in the teeth; laying in the dish of.
Exproprié: m. ée: f. Expropriated; put from the proprietie of, depriued of all proprietie in.
Expugnable: com. Expugnable, pregnable, which may be forced, or won by force.
Expugnateur: m. An expugner, forcer, subduer, ouerthrower of townes, &c.
Expugnation: f. An expugnation, forcing, subduing, ouerthrowing of townes by violence.
Expugné: m. ée: f. Expugned, forced, won by assault, ouercome with violence.
Expugner. To expugne; force, breake open, or into by violence; win by assault; vanquish, conquer, ouercome.
Expulsé: m. ée: f. Expulsed, expelled; thrust, or chaced out, by force.
Expulser. To expulse, expell; driue, chace, or thrust out.
Expulseur: m. An expulser, an expeller.
Expulsion. An expulsion, or expelling; a forcible putting, or driuing forth.
Exquis: m. ise: f. Exquisite, exact, excellent, perfect; curious, daintie, choice, picked.
Exquisement. Exquisitely, exactly, excellently, perfectly, throughly; choicely; daintily, curiously.
Exsiccatif: m. iue: f. Exsiccatiue; of a drying propertie.
Exsiccation: f. A drinesse, or drying vp of.
Extase: f. An extasie; or trance; a rauishment, or transportation of the spirit, by passion; &c.
Extatique: com. In a trance, in a swoone, in an extasie; in an extreame passion.
Extenseur: m. An extender, drawer, stretcher out at length.
Extensible. Extensible; which may be extended, or drawne out in length.
Extension. An extension, or extending; a wresting, wire-drawing, drawing, or stretching out; also, a kind of crampe; (extension des nerfs.) Extension de la loy. A wresting, strayning, large exposition, or far-fetcht interpretation, of the Law. Les trois extensions. The three measures; length, breadth, and depth.
Extention. as Extension. Extenuation: f. An extenuation, or extenuating; a lessening, impairing, diminution.
Extenué: m. ée: f. Extenuated; made slender, or thin; lessened, impaired, much wasted, or decayed; fallen away, growne leane, pulled downe; looking verie thin on it.
Extenuer. To extenuate; make slender, or thin; to lessen, diminish, impaire; wast or decay much; pull down, make leane.
Exterieur: m. eure: f. Exterior, outward.
Exterieureté: f. Exterioritie, outwardnesse; the superficies, outside, or vpper part.
Exteriorité: f. as Exterieureté. Exterminant. Exterminating.
Exterminateur: m. An exterminator, banisher; destroyer.
Extermination: f. An extermination, or exterminating; a casting, or driuing forth; a ruining, or destroying (thereby.)
Exterminé: m. ée: f. Exterminated; driuen forth, cast out, chaced away; &, ruined, vndone, destroyed (therby.)
Exterminer. To exterminate, cast out, chace forth, driue away; to ruine, vndoe, destroy (by banishment.)
Extinction: f. An extinction, extinguishment, extinguishing; an vtter stinting, or putting out; an abolishing.
Extipiscine: f. Diuination, or southsaying by th' inspection of the intralls of beasts: ¶Rab. Extirpation: f. An extirpation, rooting out, or plucking vp by the roots.
Extirpé: m. ée: f. Extirpated, rooted out.
Extirper. To extirpate; root out, or plucke vp by the root.
Extiture: f. An apparance, a shew, or standing forth.
Extorqué: m. ée: f. Extorted; wrested from.
Extorquer. To extort, exact, wrest from by force, take away by violence.
Extorqueur: m. An extorter, exacter, violent dealer.
Extorsion: f. Extortion, exaction; a violent wringing, or wresting of things from others.
Extraction: f. An extraction, issue, deriuall, originall, drawing from. De noble extraction. Verie well discended, or bred; come of a noble stocke, a great house, a worthie straine.
Extraict: m. cte: f. Extracted, drawne, deriued, issuing or comming from; also, taken from by force.
Extraict: m. An extract, breuiate, abridgement,