summarie collection, or draught out of; also, the right of succession in the goods of intestate bastards.
Extraire: m. as Extraict; or, as Estrayere. Extraire. To draw, write, or copie out; to abridge, reduce into a briefe, or make a short collection of, the principall points in a matter.
Extrait: m. as Extraict. Extrajudiciaire: com. Extraiudiciall; done out of Court.
Extraïures. as Estrayeres. Extraneïser. To chace, driue, or banish into a forreine countrey: ¶Rab. Extraordinaire: com. Extraordinarie, vnwoonted, vnusuall, out of custome, against the common, fashion. Offices extraordinaires, s'entendent ceux des finances, Aides, tailles, & des greniers à sel, à la difference de ceux de la Iustice ordinaire, & du Domaine: ¶Code Henry. Vn procez extraordinaire. A criminall action, or suit.
Extraordinairement. Extraordinarily; vnwoontedly, vnusually, out of common order.
Extravagance: f. An extrauagancie; an idle digression; a giddie, vnsteadie, fantasticall action.
Extravagant. Extrauagant; idle, astray, out of the way.
Extravagation: f. as Extravagance; Or, an extrauagation, or extrauagating; an idle digressing, vaine raunging, fantasticall gadding out of the way.
Extravagué: m. ée: f. Extrauagated, idly digressed, vainely raunged, gone, in a humor, out of the way; also, extrauagant, wandering, digressing.
Extravaguer. To extrauagate; roame, raunge, wander, erre in a humour, digresse from the purpose, or matter; stray, or gad, fantastically out of the way.
Extrayeur de procez. A Reporter, or Abridger, of Cases; a breuiate-maker.
Extreme: com. Extreame; worst, furthest from a meane, or from goodnesse; exceeding ill; also, the last, or vttermost.
Extremement. Extreamely, in extreames; most badly, most violently; beyond measure, without order.
Extremité: f. The extremitie; end, or top; hemme, skirt, edge, brinke, brimme, or border; th' vtmost peece, last part, furthest point, of a thing; also, an extremitie; vice, or violence.
Extrinseque: com, Extrinsecall; outward, from without, on the outside.
Extrinsequement. Extrinsecally, outwardly.
Extumescence: f. An extumescence; a swelling, a rising vp.
Exture. as Extiture. Exuberance: f. Exuberancie; swelling, abundance, great plentie, or fruitfulnesse, exceeding store, of.
Exuberant. Exuberant; plenteous, abundant, swelling with store of fruit.
Exuberer. To abound, be plentifull, swell with store of fruit, beare in great abundance.
Exulceration: f. An exulceration; an eating into, or a rasing of, the skin, or flesh, by a fretting humor.
Exulceratoire: com. Exulceratorie; exulcerating; skinne-breaking, blister-raising, making sore, eating into the flesh.
Exulceré: m. ée: f. Exulcerated; galled, fretted, or eaten into, as the skinne, or flesh; also, exasperated, filled with rancor.
Exulcerer. To exulcerate; or make vlcerous; to gall,
fret, breake, or eat into, the skinne, or flesh; also, to vex, exasperate, corrupt, or fill with rancor.
Exuler. as Exiler; Or, to be banished; or, to liue in exile.
Exultation: f. Exultation, great glee, much gladnesse, triumphing, leaping for ioy.
Exuperance: f. Passing store, great abundance; as Exuberance. Exustion: f. An exustion; parching, or burning.
Fabagine: f. Judas tree; the kind of tree whereon (tis thought) he hanged himselfe.
Fabal. le fa: de febues. The chaffe, hulls, or shalings of beanes; the cleansing of beans.
Fable: f. A fable, fib, lie, leasing, false tale, vnlikelie thing reported; also, a Comedie, or Enterlude.
Fabloyer. To tell tales, talke idly, prate foolishly; to fable, to fib it.
Fabre: f. A forge; a smithie.
Fabregue: f. An odoriferous garden hearbe, which put, and kept in a vessell full of water thriues exceedingly.
Fabric: m. as Fabrice. Fabricateur: m. A Fabricator, framer, builder, maker, forger; inuenter, deuiser.
Fabrication: f. A fabrication; framing, building, making, forging.
Fabricque; &, Fabricquer. as Fabrique, &c. Fabrice: f. The fabricke; reparation, or maintenance of a Parish Church; also, the state, or estate of the Parish it selfe.
Fabricier: m. A Churchwarden; or an Officer, that lookes to the fabricke, reparation, or maintenance of a Parish Church; the chiefe Officer of a Parish, and he that in publicke meetings represents it.
Fabril: m. ile: f. Fabrile; of stone, or timber; of, or belonging to the craft of a Smith, Mason, or Carpenter.
Fabrique: f. A fabricke; a worke; frame, or building; also, the Art of making, framing, or building; also, the fabricke, facture, framing, or forging of things. Fabrique d'vn'Esglise. The fabricke, raparation, or maintenance of a Church; also, the reuenew, or affairs thereof; also, th' Officers that haue the same in charge.
Fabriqué: m. ée: f. Fabricated, framed; built, forged, made; plotted, inuented, contriued, deuised.
Fabriquer. To fabricate; frame; build, make, forge; fashion, forme; plot, inuent, contriue, deuise.
Fabriqueur. as Fabricier. Fabuleux: m. euse: f. Lying, fained, fabulous, full of fables.
Fabuliste: m. A fabler, a fibber, an ordinarie teller of fibs, or fables.
Fabulosité: f. Fabulousnesse; th' inuention of lyes, tales, fables, or fained reports.
Façade: f. The forefront, forepart, outside, or representation of the outside, of a house. Maison qui a belle façade. A faire, goodlie, seemelie, statelie house, or front of a house.
Façadé. Maison façadé. Whose forefront, or outside is pourtrayed; also, of a goodlie forme, faire outside, beautifull front.
Face: f. A face; visage; looke, cheere, countenance; also, the forme, figure, proportion, shew, representation, resemblance; (also, the) superficies, vpper side, outward part, or side of; also, a Fesse, in Blazon.