Guillot: m. A proper name for a man; and hence; Guillot le Songeur. A dreaming fellow, a dull sleepi loggar-head. Logé chez Guillot le Songeur. Put into a dump, muse, dreame, driuen into a studie.
Guilmin: m. A noddie, ninnie, coxe, ideot.
Guilon: f. A rigge; a wanton, or wandering, girle.
Guilverdons: m. Great gobbets of liquid meats, as of oysters, &c.
Guimauves: f. Marsh Mallowes, moorish Mallowes, white Mallowes. Guimauves sauvages. The wild Mallowes called, Veruine Mallowes, cut Mallowes, & Simons Mallowes.
Guimaux. prez guimaux. Fertill medowes, which are mowed twice a yeare. ¶Rab. Guimpe, or Guimphe: f. as Guimple. Guimpier: m. A maker of Crepines.
Guimple: f. The Crepine of a French-hood.
Guinche: f. A sword, or hatchell for a flax-wife.
Guincher. To wrigle, writhe, wrinch a toeside.
Guindage: m. A hoising, or lifting vp; or an engine to lift vp things with.
Guindal: m. An engine to lift vp stones, or timber with.
Guindé: m. ée: f. Lift, or hoysed vp.
Guinder. To hoyse, or lift vp on high. Guinder les cieux. To bow downe the heauens. Se Guinder. To bound, skip, or leap vp; also, to knit, or gather himselfe together.
Guinderesse. la g. de la misaine. The mizen halliards; the rope whereby the mizen sayle is hoysed vp.
Guindol. See Guindal. Guindoles. as Guindoules. Guindoules: f. The fruit called, Iuiubes.
Guindre: f. A reele, or wheele to winde silke on.
Guines. See Guisnes. Guinguois. de guinguois. Slouenly, vneuenly, vnhandsomely, awry; also, buffingly, swaggeringly, aswash.
Guinson. as Pinson. Guipilon. An holiewater sprinkle.
Guipure: f. A grosse black thread (couered, or whipt about with silke) whereof corded hat-bands be made.
Guipures d'or. Goulden (and wreathed) Aglets, or Tags.
Guirlande: f. A garland.
Guirlandé: m. ée: f. Begarlanded; wearing a Garland; bedecked, or set out, with Garlands.
Guisarme: f. A kind of (offensiue) long-handled, and long-headed, weapon; or (as the Spanish Visarma) a staffe, that hath within it two long pikes, which with a shoot, or thrust forward, come forth.
Guise: f. Guise; manner, fashion, custome, vsage; humor. Chascun a sa guise: Pro. Euery one as he likes. Tant de villes tant de guises: Pro. Jn euery towne be seuerall customes, or fashions.
Guisnes: f. A kind of little, sweet, and long cherries; tearmed so, because at first they came out of Guyenne; also, any kind of Cherries.
Guisner: m. A sweet-cherrie tree.
Guiterne; or Guiterre: f. A Gitterne.
Gulpe: f. A wound, or bloud-wipe; (in Blazon, a golp; and must be purple.)
Gulpine: f. A quitting, leauing, abandoning, forsaking, wayuing, giuing ouer an estate in land.
Gulpir. as Guerpir. To quit, leaue, waiue.
Gumenes: f. The tackling of a ship.
Guoguette. as Gogue.
Le coeur luy dit guoguette. He is exceeding merrie,
liuelie, iocond, frolicke; his hart leaps for ioy.
Guorre: f. as Gorre; A sow. ¶Rab. Guoy: m. A little hand-bill, vsed for the cutting, and pruining of Vines.
Gurleret. A nickname, or by-word for a beggarlie souldier.
Gurpir. To quit, forgoe, leaue, abandon.
Gurpison.: f. A quitting, forgoing, leauing, abandoning.
Guses. The ball of the eye; so tearmed in blazon; and must euer be sanguine.
Gutale, ou Guttale. Ale, good Ale.
Guttural: m. ale: f. Gutturall; belonging to the throat.
Guy: m. Misseltoe, or Misseldine. Guy de Flandres. A kind of morter wherewith fret-*worke is made.
Guyberges. as Guymberges. Guybourc. The name of a certaine greene, and sweet apple.
Guymauves. as Guimauves. Guymberges. Flourisht worke in seeling, or vaulting.
Guynettes: f. Yong Guinnie hennes.
Guynnes. as, Guisnes. Guypierre. as Guipure. Guypure. as Guipure. Guyron. That which we call Geronne, in blasing of Armes.
Guysarme. as Guisarme. Guysarmier. One that serues with a Guisarme. Guyure: f. A snake, an adder.
Gy: m. Plaister, morter; looke Gyp. Gymnaste. Exercised; or, nimble at exercise. ¶Rab. Gynecocratie: f. Feminine rule, or authoritie, the gouernment of a woman.
Gyngois. à gyngois. as, de Guinguois. Gynocratie: f. The Gouernment of a woman.
Gyp, or Gyps. Morter, plaister; or, a kind of white stone whereof plaister is made.
Gypsé: m. ée: f. Like morter, or plaister; also, mortered, or plaistered.
Gyraffe: as Giraffe. Gyrine: f. The frog tearmed, a Tadpole.
Gyroflée: f. A gilloflower. See Giroflée. Gyroles: f. Skirret roots.
Gyron. as Guyron (a tearme of blasonrie.) Gyrouët: m. A fane; or weathercocke; See Girouëtte. Gyrouëtte: f. as Gyrouët. Gyrouëtteux: m. euse: f. Flitting, wauering, inconstant, giddie, vnsteddie, as a fane, or weathercock.
Ha. (The third person of the Present tense of the verb Avoir) Il ha: He hath.
Ha. An Interiection, sometimes denoting a wish; as ha s'il m'estoit permis! sometimes griefe; as, ha, quelle fascherie! Ah, or alas, what a trouble! sometimes threatning, or anger; as, ha meschant tu es mort. Ha villaine thou art dead.
Ha ha. An Interiection of feare, or of wonder (vpon the seeing, or finding of a thing on a suddain) A ha; also, of laughter (then acompanied with hé) as, ha ha hé.
Haaler. as Hasler.