Apothicairerie: f. Apothecariship; the trade, or skill of Apothecaries.
Apoué: m. ée: f. Saded, so full as he can eat no more.
Apovrir. To impouerish; Looke Appovrir. Apozeme, or Apozime. A decoction, of water with diuers sorts of hearbes and spices, vsed in stead of a syrop.
s'Appaillarder. To spend his life in, or giue himselfe wholly to, whoorisme; to turne leacher, smell-smocke, bitch-hunter, whooremunger.
Appaisé: m. ée: f. Appeased, pacified, quieted, calmed, qualified.
Appaisement: m. An appeasement, or appeasing; a pacification, quieting, calming, qualifying.
Appaiser. To appease, pacifie, calme, quiet, qualifie, asswage, content. Assez peut pleurer qui n'a nul qui l'appaise: Pro. He may weepe his eyes out that hath none to still him.
Appaiseur: m. An appeaser, pacifier, peace-maker; calmer, quieter, qualifier, contenter.
Appali: m. ie: f. Growne, or made, pale.
Appalir. To wax pale; also, to make pale.
Appanage. Seeke Appennage. Appanager. as Appennager. Appané: m. ée: f. That hath had a portion; that hath receiued a childs part; that is alreadie bestowed, or prouided for.
Appaner. To giue a younger sonne his portion, or childs part.
Appanner. The same.
Appaouvri: m. ie: f. Beggared, impouerished, made poore.
Appaouvrir. To beggar, impouerish, make poore.
Apparagé: m. ée: f. Fitly matched, well paired. Fille apparagée suffisamment, ou deüement. A maid thats maried vnto her equall, or, thats not disparaged.
Apparat: m. A preparation, decking, prouision, furniture. Grand apparat. Great coyle, stirre, or adoe; much preparation for.
Apparcevoir. Seeke Apperceuoir. Appareil: m. Preparation, prouision, readie-making; a decking, dressing, trimming; cooking, seasoning. Haut appareil. A Gorget; also, a Corslet.
Appareillé: m. ée: f. Prepared, prouided, made readie, trimd vp for; also, dressed; cooked, or seasoned, (as meat) also, armed at all points.
Appareillement: m. A preparing, prouiding, readie-making, trimming vp for; a dressing; a cooking, a seasoning; also, an arming.
Appareiller. To prepare, prouide, or trimme vp for; to fashion, or make readie; to make fit for vse, or shew; also, to dresse, cooke, or season (meat;) also, to arme, or put on armour.
Appareilleur: m. A preparer, prouider, trimmer vp for; one that makes things readie for vse, or shew; a dresser; fashioner; seasoner.
Appareilleuse: f. A waiting woman, or chamber-maid, that vses to dresse her Mistresse; also, a Bawde.
Apparemment. Apparently, euidently, manifestly, openly, plainely, to full view; also, seeming, or to the shew.
Apparence: f. An apparance, or appearance; a shew, seeming, signe, signification.
Apparent. Apparant, euident, manifest, open, plaine; also, excellent, notable, notorious, of great marke, much eminencie.
Apparenté: m. ée: f. Of kin, or neere kinsman, vnto.
Bien apparenté. Well allyed, of a good house; that hath many, or great, kinsfolkes.
Apparenter aucun. To challenge, or acknowledge any one for a kinsman.
s'Apparesser. as s'Apparessir. s'Apparessir. To grow idle, wax lazie, become sluggish.
Apparfondir. Seeke Approfondir. Appariation: f. A matching, or pairing; also, a perpetuall association, or correspondencie of iurisdiction betweene the king and a lord Spirituall, or Temporall; or betweene a lord Spirituall, and a Temporall, neighbours.
Apparié: m. ée: f. Paired, coupled, matched; equalled; conioyned; compared.
Apparier. To paire, couple, match, equall; ioyne, conioyne, compare, together. s'Apparier. To couple, or match; as birds doe in the Spring, or a little before they would breed.
Apparietaire. as Apparitoire. Apparissant. Appearing; or, as Apparent. Appariteur: m. An Apparator, Sumner, Pursuyuant; also, a hangman.
Apparition: f. An Apparition, Vision, Phantasma; also, an appearing, or manifestation.
Apparitoire: f. Pellitorie of the wall.
Apparoir. To appeare, seeme; be seene, or shew it selfe, on a sudden; also, to be apparant, manifest, plaine, euident.
Apparoissance: f. An appearance, or appearing; a seeming, shewing, or shew; also, an eminencie, a passing or standing aboue others.
Apparoistre. as Apparoir. Appartenance: f. An appurtenance, an appendant; a proprietie; a due, or thing that belongs vnto. Il est de nostre appartenance. He is one of our house, familie, or followers.
Appartenant. Pertaining, appertaining, belonging vnto.
Appartenir. To pertaine, appertaine; belong, or be due vnto; also, to beseeme.
Apparu: m. uë: f. Appeared, manifested, seen, or shewne on a sudden.
Appast: m. An appast, bait; allurement, inticement; also, a repast, or meale.
Appastant. Bayting; also, alluring, or inticing by baits; also, feeding.
Appasté: m. ée: f. Bayted; also, allured, or inticed, as by a bait, or by the bait of; also, fed.
Appastelé: m. ée: f. Fed with the hand; also, as Appasté. Appasteler. To feed by hand, or with the hand; or, as a bird feeds her yong; also, as Appaster. Appaster. To bait; also, to allure, or intice, by a bait, or by the bait of; also, to feed.
Appasteux: m. An alluring, inticing, or cousening mate.
Appasteux: m. euse: f. Full of allurements, fraught with inticements.
Appeau: m. as Appel; also, a bird-call; the reed, or little pipe wherewith fowlers call sillie birds to their destruction. Appeaux. Chymes; or, the chiming or bells; also, Appeales, and, the Court of Appeales.
Appel: m. An Appeale (from an inferior Court, or Iudge, vnto a superiour.)
Appel comme d'abus. An appealing by a temporall person from th' Ecclesiasticall Court, or by an Eccesiasticall person from a temporall Court, vnto the king, in his high Court of Parliament.