Faire l'Olybrius. To swagger, or play the terrible Roister; to pretend great furie, or talke as if no bodie were able to stand before him.
Olympe. Heauen (among Poets.)
Olympiade: f. An Olympiade; the space of foure yeares, or of fiftie moneths (each moneth containing thirtie dayes.
Omaille: f. Great cattell; as Oxen, Kine, &c.
Omase: m. The thicke, and fattie part of a Bullockes paunch; Some also take it for a fat Tripe, or Chitter-*ling.
Ombelle: f. A little shadow; also, a fashion of little round fanne; or, as Ombrelle. Ombilic. as Vmbilic. Ombilical. as Vmbilical. Ombrage: m. An vmbrage; a shade; a shadow; also, iealousie, suspition, an incling of; whence; Donner ombrage à. To discontent; make iealous of, or put buzzes into the head of.
Ombragé: m. ée: f. Shaded, shadowed; couered; obscured, ouershadowed; also, put into a iealousie, or distrust.
Ombragement: m. A shading, or shadowing.
Ombrager. To shade, or shadow; to cast a shadow on, or giue shadow vnto; also, to couer, darken, obscure, ouer-*cast; also, as Donner ombrage à, in Ombrage. Ombrageusement. Obscurely, darkly, couertly; also, iealously; waywardly, skittishly.
Ombrageux: m. euse: f. Shadie, shadowie, couert, full of shade; obscure, darke; also, vmbragious; iealous; suspitious; also, giddie, skittish, bird-eyed, often starting, or starting at euerie feather.
Ombraire: m. An Vmbrello, or shadow.
Ombre: f. A shadow; also, a shade, or couert; also, a colour, cloake, vale, pretext, or pretence for; also, as Vmbre. Combatre son ombre. To fight with his own shadow; to be angrie to no purpose, or take paines in striuing against no resistance; also, to deuise new matters, and afterwards inueigh against them; also, to reuile, or threaten, the absent. Courir apres son ombre. To runne after his owne shadow; to spend his time verie madly. Luicter cōtre les ombres. as Combatre son ombre. Se mettre à l'ombre des bouchons. To shrowd himselfe vnder the shade of a Taphouse; to slip into a Tauern. Sous ombre d'asne entre chien au moulin: Prov. Looke Asne. Il n'y a si petit buisson qui ne porte ombre: Prov. The least bush hath it shadow; The like is; Vn poil fait ombre: Prov. A haire makes a shadow; a smallest things haue their shadowes; viz. their vse, or some ornament.
Ombré: m. ée: f. Vmbred, or shadowed; (a tearme of Blason.)
Ombrelle: f. An Vmbrello; a (fashion of) round, and broad fanne, wherewith the Indians (and from them our great ones) preserue themselues from the heat of a scorching Sunne; and hence, any little shadow, fanne, or thing, wherewith women hide their faces frō the Sunne.
Ombreux: m. euse: f. Shadowie, shading, full of shade; couert, close.
Ombriere: f. as Ombrelle. Ombroyer. To shadow, to cast or yeeld a shadow.
Omelette: f. An Omelet, or Pancake of egges; Looke Aumelette.
Omettre. To omit; pretermit, baulke, ouerslip, ouerpasse; to neglect, forget; leaue out, leaue vndone.
Omioteleftes. Alike-sounding clauses, or closes.
Omis: m. ise: f. Omitted, pretermitted, baulked, ouerslipt, ouerpassed; neglected, forgotten; left out, left vndone.
Omission: f. An omission; baulking, ouer slip , ouerpassing; forgetting, or neglect of; a leauing out, or letting goe.
Omitton: m. as Aumuce; a furred Ornament worne by Cannons.
Omniforme: com. Of, or hauing, all kind of shapes.
Omnigene: com. Of all kinds; also, most kind. ¶Rab. Omnimode: com. Jnfinite in meanes; of euerie way.
Omnipotence: f. Omnipotencie, almightineße.
Omnipotent. Omipotent, almightie, all-able.
Omoplates: f. The shoulder-blades. ¶Rab. Omphacin. Huile omph. Oyle made of greene, or vnripe Oliues.
Omusse. as Aumuce. On. (Such a Particle as our One, or somewhat more generall, and the signe of a Verbe Jmpersonall, or impersonally vsed; whence;) On dit, men say, people talke, its reported; &, on le voit par experience; men see it, or we see it, by experience. Onagrier: m. ere: f. Of a wild Asse. Le pas onagrier. A verie swift pace; (for such a one hath the wild Asse.)
Onc. (An Aduerbe of time;) euer, at any time; also, neuer.
Once: f. An Ounce, in weight; also, the spotted Ounce, or Lynx. L'once de l'année. A moneth.
Oncial: m. ale: f. Of, or belonging to, or weighing as much as, an Ounce; whence; Lettres onciales. Huge letters, great letters.
Oncle: m. An Vncle. Celuy est biē mon oncle qui le ventre me comble: Pro. He is my neerest friend that fills my bellie; or he is my kindest vnckle who doth feed me.
Oncles: f. as Ongles. Oncques. (An Aduerbe of time) neuer.
Onction: f. Vnction, an annointing. Onction feable. Seeke Feable. Huile d'onction. The holie, or hallowed Oyle, vsed, by the Church of Rome, in Baptisme, & Extreame Vnction.
Onctuëux: m. euse: f. Full of Ointments; also, annointing; also, oylie, fattie, greasie.
Onctuosité: f. Vnctuositie, oylineße; greasineße, fattinesse.
Ond. D'ond. Whence; whereby. ¶Rab. Iusques à dire d'ond venez vous. Extreamely, exceedingly, excessiuely, vnmeasurably. ¶Rab. Onde: f. A waue; billow, surge of the sea; also, the tumbling tricke of touching the ground with the hands, and then comming ouer topsie turuie, diuers times together. Camelot à ondes. Water Chamlet. Bouillir vne onde. To boyle a while, or but for one bubble, or a wallop or two.
Ondé: m. ée: f. Waued; surging, wauing; also, streaked, wrought, or cut, like waues.
Ondée: f. A great and suddaine fall of raine; a gush, or gust, of raine; a power of raine.
Ondelé: m. ée: f. as Ondé. Ondeler. To runne, or powre downe, by waues; or, as Onder. Ondelette: f. A little waue, a small billow.
Onder. To waue; to make plaites, or streakes like waues; to worke, or flourish with waues.
Ondette. as Ondelette.
Ondoyant: m. ante: f. Wauing; surging, floating, swelling as, or with, billowes.