Velours ras. Vncut Veluet. Couper tout ras. To cut cleane off, to sweepe quite away. Vouloir prendre vn homme ras par les cheveux. To require, or exact, of a man much more then he can yeeld.
Rasant. Shauing, sheering, paring, or cutting close by the root, or bottome; also, razing, or laying euen by the ground.
Rascas. Doussin rascas. The great sea Vrchin.
Rascase. as Doussin rascas; or (in Languedoc) the sea Scorpion.
Rasche: f. A scauld, or a running scurfe, or sore (full of little holes) especially in the heads of little children. ¶Langued. Rascle: f. A Partridge (about Montpellier.)
Rase: f. A shauing, sheering, powling; and thence, a road into, or a rauaging of, an enemies countrey; Looke Raze. Rasé: m. ée: f. Shauen, cut cleane off, powled close to the skinne; also, razed, or layed euen with, or leuell vnto, the ground. Mesure rasée. Close, neere, or hard measure; stricken measure.
Raseau: m. Networke; also, a great flat-bottomd Boat, Barge, or Lighter; or, as Radeau. Rasement: m. A shauing, sheering, striking, or cutting close off; a razing, a laying leuell to the ground.
Rase-poil: m. A Barber, a haire-shauer.
Raser. To shaue; sheere; cut quite off, close by the root, cleane away; also, to raze, or lay leuell to the ground; also, to touch, or grate, on a thing in passing by it. Raser les eaux. To skimme ouer, to skue or sayle vpon, the water. Raser les herbes. To sit (as the deaw, &c) on hearbes.
Rasette: f. The leße bone of the arme, or leg.
Rasibus de. Close or hard vnto, leuell or euen with. Rasibus qui bouge? The word of a certaine Game, wherein one with a staffe strikes all along the top of an open, and vp-standing Hogshead, and thereby makes ducke downe into it another, who is within it.
Rasier de bled. A measure containing about foure Busshels.
Rasle: m. A rattling in the throat; also, the fowle called, a Rayle. Rasle de genest. The ordinarie Rayle. Rasle grand. The Moorehenne, or small Coot; resembles the ordinarie Coot in all parts but his feet, which be clouen. Rasle noir. The Brooke-Ousell, or Moore-henne. Rasle rouge. The common Rayle. Courir comme vn rasle. To runne verie fast, and close by the ground.
Rasoir: m. A Rasour. Rasoir de mer. as Rason. Faire la barbe à quelqu'un sans rasoir. To affront, braue, abuse one. À barbe de fol le rasoir est mol: Pro. A Goose will brooke any ieast, or put vp any abuse; euery harsh thing hath a gentle touch in his dull conceit. À barbe de fol hardi rasoir: Pro. Looke Fol. Rason: m. A delicate red-skaled fish in the seas about Rhodes and Malta; tearmed thus, because his backe is fashioned like a Rasour.
Raspatoire: m. A Raspatorie, a Raspe, an instrument of scraping.
Raspé: m. as Rapé.
Raspe: f. A Raspe, or a rough File.
Raspé: m. ée: f. Rasped, scraped, grated; filed.
Raspecon: m. The sea-fish called (by some) a Heauen-*gazer.
Raspeux: m. euse: f. Rugged, rough as a Raspe.
Rasque: f. The scurfe of a scauld head.
Rassaillir. To reaßayle, reaßault, set on againe.
Rassasié: m. ée: f. Filled, saded, satiated, satisfied.
Rassasiement: m. A glutting, filling, satiating, satisfying.
Rassasier. To fill, glut, sade, satiate, satisfie.
Rasseant. Sitting downe againe.
Rassel: m. Arsesmart, water Pepper, Killridge, or Cule-*rage (an hearbe.)
Rassember. To reaßemble, to rally; also, to set together againe.
Rasseoir. To rest, settle, set, or sit, downe.
Rasserené: m. ée: f. Made lightsome, cheerefull, cleere, calme.
Rasserener. To make lightsome, cheerefull, cleere, calme.
Rasseurer. To secure, make sure, confirme, or settle vnto.
Rassis: m. ise: f. Setled, stayed, at rest; sober, temperate, well tempered, whose wild oats are sowen. Pain rassis. Stale bread. Vin rassis. Ripe, or fined wine.
Rassoté: m. ée: f. Growne sottish, doultish, or childish; fallen into dotage.
Rassotement: m. Sottishnesse, dotage.
Rassoter. To dote, become doultish, grow fond, vaine, childish, foppish.
Rasteau: m. A Rake; also, a Portcullis.
Rastelé: m. ée: f. Raked; broken, leuelled, or gathered together, with a Rake.
Rasteler. To rake; to breake, leuell, or gather together, with a Rake.
Rastelier: m. A Racke, to put Hay &c in; also, the staulke, or steale of a Grape; also, a row of pegs, or woodden pinnes, to hang things on. Couvrir leur rastelier. To couer their gaping mouthes (which otherwise would discouer a thinne, or illfauored sett of teeth.) Hausser le rastelier (viz. le bec, ou le nez) à. Scornfully to cast vp the head at. Tout se trouve au rastelier de cuisine: Prov. All things are, at the length, discouered, or brought vpon the Stage.
Rastellot: m. Wild Cheruill, mocke Cheruill, Shepheards needle, Venus Combe, or our Ladies Combe.
Raston: m. A fashion of round, and high Tart, made of butter, egges, and cheese.
Rasue. as Resue. Rasure: f. A shauing; a close cutting, or striking; also, a razing out of written things; also, the shauings, or scrapings of a thing; whence; Rasure d'Aloës. Rasurier: m. A Shauer, a Barber.
Rat: m. A Rat; also, a Mouse; also, the fish called, a Heauen-gazer; (also, as Rapt, in old French.)
Rat d'Hongrie. The Hungarian Rat; a little greenish beast which resembles a Weesell, but is no bigger then a Mouse.
Rat d'Inde. as Rat de Pharaon.
Rat de Lasse. The Lasset Mouse; a beast that beares the Furre which we call Mineuar.
Rat Liron. A Dormouse.
Rat de Montaigne. as Marmotaine.
Rat Norique. The Norican Mouse; bodied like a Weesell, haired like a Hare, and eared like a Mole; she feeds