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Jesus Christ.

details with which the coming of the Redeemer and the events of His life in Judea were revealed to their prophets, who lived before the time of His advent. Among other things connected with His mortal existence it was declared of Him that:

God Himself should come down from heaven among the children of men and should redeem His people.

He should take upon Him flesh and blood.

He should be born in the land of Jerusalem, the name given by the Nephites to the land of their whence they came.

His mother's name should be Mary.

She should be a virgin of the city of Nazareth; very fair and beautiful, a precious and chosen vessel.

She should be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost.

He should be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

At His birth a new star should appear in the heavens.

He should be baptized by John at Bethabara, beyond Jordan.

John should testify that he had baptized the Lamb of God, who should take away the sins of the world.

After His baptism, the Holy Ghost should come down upon Him out of heaven, and abide upon Him in the form of a dove.

He should call twelve men as His special witnesses, to minister in His name.

He should go forth among the people, ministering in power and great glory, casting out devils, healing the sick, raising the dead, and performing many mighty miracles.

He should take upon Him the infirmities of His people.

He should suffer temptation, pain of body, hunger, thirst and fatigue; blood should come