Page:A dictionary of the Book of Mormon.pdf/352

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TARSHISH. A country or city mentioned in the Bible, whose locality is undetermined. It is named once in the Book of Mormon (II Nephi, 12:16), in a quotation from the prophecies of Isaiah.

TEANCUM. One of the bravest, most disinterested and most illustrious soldiers who served the Nephite Commonwealth. Of his life we are told nothing until he is presented to us as one of Moroni's lieutenants.

Teancum appears to have had command of the Nephite army of the north, and to have had committed to him the defense of the Land Bountiful and the Isthmus of Panama. His first exploit to which our attention is drawn was the defeat of the dissatisfied people of the hot-headed Morianton, who, having unjustly quarreled with their neighbors, the people of the City of Lehi, and being apparently aware of the unrighteousness of their cause, determined to migrate to the land northward, and there establish an independent government. Such a movement being evidently dangerous to the peace and stability of the Republic, Moroni determined to prevent the accomplishment of their scheme. He dispatched Teancum at the head of a body of troops to head them off. This the gallant officer succeeded in doing, but not until they had reached the Isthmus, where a stubbornly-fought battle ensued, in which Teancum slew Morianton with his own hand, and compelled the surrender of his followers. (B. C, 68.) The prisoners were brought back, the grievances of the two peoples were investigated, a union between them brought about, and both were restored to their own lands.

In the following year (B. C. 67), Amalickiah, the apostate Nephite who reigned over the Lamanites, commenced his devastating invasion of the Atlantic provinces of the Nephites. Commencing at Moroni, on the extreme southeast, he gradually advanced northward, capturing and garrisoning