Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/250

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Koromong, a variety of round metal instrument belonging to the gamĕlan.

Koronchong, hollow armlets. Bracelets, armlets or little brass bells tied about the ankles of children , which give a small tinkling sound.

Korosokan, said of paddy not evenly ripening, especially in new made Sawahs which are of inferior value. Korosokan is where some ears are ripe whilst others are only partly so, even only just forming.

Kosara, a rope made of Buffaloe hide.

Kosen, valliant, daring. (Used at Batavia.)

Kosok, to rub, to scrub, to polish. (Mai. Batav. Gosok idem.)

Kosong, empty, void, vacant, unoccupied. Omong kosong , empty talk, talk which has no real meaning- nonsensical talk. (Malay, Batavian, idem.)

Kosta, properly the coast of Coromandel. The word is the Portuguese Costa. Kain kosta, or often simply kosta, a variety of printed cloth. Chaw kosta, a variety of plantain.

Kota, a fort, a strong hold. Kuta, C. 127- a fort, a stronghold. Kota is the name by which the chief towns in Java are designated in their neighbourhood. Daik ka kota, I want to go to (the fort) Batavia. (Scr. Kuta and Kutî)

Kotak and Kotakan, a square or division of a Sawah, on which the water can be evenly distributed; a compartment; a garden bed.

Kotak, a pyramidical medicine chest, consisting of a sort of small chest of drawers.

Kotba, arabic Khutbat, an oration pronounced in the mosque on Fridays, or at the Labaran on the conclusion of the Fasting month, (Arab. خُطْبَةً, Khutbat.)

Kotok, a fowl; the common domestic cock or hen.

Kotor, dirty, both physically and morally, impure. (Batavian idem.)

Koyan, a weight of 27 Piculs at Batavia, 28 at Samarang, and 30 at Sourabaya.

Krama, a word frequent in the composition of proper names. The high or polite dialect of the Javanese language is called Krama , in contradistinction to Ngoko which is rough or vulgar. Krama, C. 151 order, method, a degree, power, strength; an overcoming, subduing, surpassing; a sacred pecept, a religious practice.

Krang, small shell fish, as cockles, muscles &c. These shells are often found imbedded in limestone rock or tufaceous strata.

Kranjang, a basket, a hamper. (Jav. Mai. idem.)

Kranji, name of a tree, Dialium Indum-gives a small black shelled fruit which is eaten. Good tough substantial timber.

Kras, severe, rigorous, impetuous. (Jav. Batav. Malay Kěras and Kras, strong, heavy, severe, impetuous.)

Kras-tulang, name of a plant , of which the natives amongst the mountains drink a decoction by way of a tea. Chloranthus Inconspicuus.

Kréhkél, gravel, pebbles, such as is laid upon roads.

Krésa, pleasure, will, delight. Krésa nu gědé, the pleasure of great men. Krésa ning Allah, the will of God. (Cannot be anything else than Karasa. See Karasan.)