Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/419

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Of Capt. John Phillips.

when the Barrenneſs of the Country is conſider’d, and the Stock of Proviſion laid in, happen to fall ſhort, in Proportion to the Computation made of the People remaining there the Winter, which are generally about 17 or 1800. The Maſters reſiding there think Advantages taken on their Neceſſities, no more than a juſt and lawful Gain; and either bind ſuch for the next Summer’s Service, or ſell their Proviſions out to them at extravagant Rates; Bread from 15s. to 50, immediately at the departing of the Ships, and ſo of other ſorts of Food in Proportion; wherefore not being able to ſubſiſt themſelves, or in any likely Way of clearing the Reckoning to the Maſters, they ſometimes run away with Shallops and Boats, and begin on pyratical Exploits, as Phillips and his Companions, whom we are now treating of, had done.

And ſecondly (which is more opportunely for them,) they are viſited every Summer, almoſt, by ſome Set of Pyrates or other, already rais’d, who call here for the ſame Purpoſe, (if young Beginners) and to lay in a Store of Water and Proviſions, which they find imported, much or little, by all the Ships that uſe the Trade.

Towards this Country Phillips was making his Way, and took on the Voyage, beſides thoſe abovementioned, one Salter, in a Sloop off the Iſle of Sables, which Veſſel they made uſe of themſelves, and gave back Mortimer’s Ship to the Mate and Crew. The ſame Day, viz. the 4th of April, took a Scooner, one Chadwell, Maſter, which they ſcuttled, in order to ſink; but Capt. Phillips underſtanding that ſhe belong’d to Mr. Minors at Newfoundland, with whoſe Veſſel they firſt went off a pyrating, a Qualm of Conſcience came athwart his Stomach, and he ſaid to his Companions, We have done him Injury enough already; ſo order’d the Veſſel immediately to be repair’d, and return’d her to the Maſter.

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