Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/420

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Of Capt. John Phillips.

That Afternoon they chac’d another Veſſel, and at Night came up with her, the Maſter of which was a Saint of New-England, nam’d Dependance Ellery, who taking Phillips for a Pyrate, he told him was the Reaſon that he gave him the Trouble of chacing ſo long; which being reſented by theſe Men of Honour, they made poor Dependance dance about the Deck till he was weary.

Within few Days ſeveral other Veſſels had the ſame Miſfortune, the Maſters Names were as follow, Joſhua Elwell, Samuel Elwell, Mr. Combs, Mr. Lanſly, James Babſton, Edward Freeman, Mr. Start, Obediah Beal, Erick Erickſon and Benjamin Wheeler.

The 14th of April they took a Sloop belonging to Cape Ann, Andrew Harradine Maſter; they look’d upon this Veſſel more fit for their Purpoſe, and ſo came aboard, keeping only the Maſter of her Priſoner, and ſending Harradine’s Crew away in Salter’s Veſſel, which they, till this Time, detain’d. To this Harradine, Cheeſeman the Carpenter, broke his Mind, and brought him into the Confederacy to deſtroy the Crew, which was put in Execution four Days afterwards.

Harradine and the reſt were for doing the Buſineſs in the Night, as believing they might be more opportunely ſurpriz’d; for Nut, the Maſter, being a Fellow of great Strength, and no leſs Courage, it was thought dangerous to attack him without Fire-Arms; however, Cheeſeman was reſolute to have it perform’d by Day-light, as the leaſt liable to Confuſion; and as to the Maſter, he offer’d to lay Hands on him firſt: Upon this ’twas concluded on, 12 at Noon was the appointed Time; in order for the Buſineſs Cheeſeman leaves his working Tools on the Deck, as though he had been going to uſe them, and walked aft; but perceiving ſome Signs of Timidity in Harradine, he comes back, fetches his Brandy Bottle and gives him and the reſt a Dram, then drankto