Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/131

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, of which has already >^een explained.

carelessness or sluggishness, liknavost.

disposition, pohava.

neither—nor, ant—anil.

very much, přilil (root lis). Cf. Russ. jmmHBitt, super- fluous ; canni - komt,, too much, &c.

warmly, eagerly, horlivý; root hor, to burn.

to labour, exert oneself for, za- sazovali (root sad, to sit). Other aspect zásadití.

progress, prospěch.

to protect, brániti (vide supra), or keep off, restrain.

vehemently, vigorously, hrubé (lit. coarsely).

further, dalli, comp. of dálný, far (-ný, like ký, common adjectival termination; root

(fo/J- spread, šíření, s.n.

Protestantism,prolestanlsvi. In the original, siření se pro- testantsvi, where the noun keeps the reflexive, which belongs to the verb. Cf. such expressions in Polish:

Ale serce u molojców Niezlgknie sie TurkSw.

' But the hearts of the young men do not fear the Turks.' In some of the Slavonic lan- guages we still find the nouns governing the same cases as their verbs, and preserving other characteristics of verbs. Cf. Lat. Quid hanc rem. tactio.

and so (on this account), pro- tož.

religious matters (matters of religion): matter, věc.

during a long time, za (with accus.).

condition, stav.


Literature, the fruits of which from the invention of printing were abundantly spread among the people, comprehended at that time the more widely-spread branches of popular know- ledge, but did not display either originality or solidity; there were but few writers whose works rose above mediocrity. The