Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/152

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tion of milt, like our ' I have roz in composition ; pad- to do it.' nouti, the momentaneous rozpadnouti. See the force of aspect or perfect aspect of.

Děti se světlými vlasy, modrýma očima a světlou pleli. Children with light hair, blue eyes, and light complexion.

děti, irreg. plur. of díly. For the use of the dual adjective

with the dual noun euphony, see p. 14.


Strana jeho v Němcích nepokusila se ani o volbu nového krále.

His party in Germany made no further attempt concerning the election of a new king.

Němec, Germany, from Němci (lit. Germans), the name of the inhabitants being used for that of the coun- try. Observe the nega- tive compounded with the

verb in the Slavonic man- ner.

0, prep, with the accus., con- cerning.

krdl, king. For the derivation of this word, see p. 83.

Strana papežská, jejíž nejmocnejsi hlavou byl Otakar jako předtím otec jeho, znala se k Vilémovi hollandske'mu, jehož moc byla však malá.

The papal party, of which the most powerful head was Otakar, as his father before this, identified itself with William of Holland, whose power was altogether little.

nej, sign of the superlative. hlavou, pred. instr.

znali se ku, to be on the side of; to identify itself with.

dle možnosti.

As far as possible.