Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/187

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sdrtiti, v.a., to crumble, break.

sdružení, s.n., association, con- federation.

se, refl. pr. of both numbers and all persons.

sel, s.f., slaughter.

sejiti se, to come together.

sem, adv., hither.

sen, n., a dream.

shledati, v.a., to find.

scházeti se, v. refl., to gather together.

scházívali, v.n., to come fre- quently together.

schopný, adj., suitable.

sice, adv., truly (Ger. sicher).

sídlo, s.n., seat, residence.

sila, s.f., strength.

silný, adj., strong.

siný, adj., blue.

situace, s.f., situation.

skála, s.f., a rock.

skládali, v.a., to compose.

skladný, adj., symmetrical, s.n., glass.

skromný, adj., modest.

skrývali, v.a., to hide.

skutek, s.m., action.

sladký, adj., sweet.

Sláva, s.f., the goddess of the Slavs (a deity invented by Kollár).

Slávia, s.f., an imaginary name given by Kollár to all coun-


tries in which a Slavonic language is spoken. slavili, v.a., to praise, to cele- brate.

Slavnikov, proper name of a man.

slavný, adj., celebrated. slepý, adj., blind. slilný, adj., beautiful. sliditi, v.a., to follow up, to

search for. sloužili, v.a., to serve. Slovak, s.m., a Slovak. Slovanský, adj., Slavonic. Slovenka, s.f., a Slovak woman. slovo, s.n., a word. sluliii, v.n., to occur, happen,


slušný, adj., suitable. služba, s.f., service. slyšeli, v.a., to hear, iffza/z' jí, v.n., to laugh. směr, s.m., object, tendency. směsice, s.f., confusion. Smil, proper name of a man. smrt, s.f., death. smutek, s.m., grief. smysl, s.m., inclination. snaha, s.f., an effort. .sTZ&tf, s.m., congress. •sTZťwz, s.n., dreaming. íkž?/, v.n., to dream. snivý, adj., dreaming. snoubenec,-s.m., a betrothed.