součastniti, v.a., to give a share in.
spálili, v.a., to burn.
spatřovali, v.a., to survey.
spis, s.m., writing.
spisování, s.n., the writing.
spisovatel, s.m., an author.
spůsobiti, v.a., to assist, con- tribute to.
srdce, s.n., heart.
srdelne, adv., heartily.
srdeční, adj., hearty.
Srpen, s.m., August.
srůsti, v.n., to grow.
stálili, v.a., to grant.
f/a/V, adv., continually.
í/á/y, adj., fixed.
stanovisko, s.n., a standpoint.
staročeský, adj., Old Čech.
stát, s.m., State government.
r/íí/z', v.n., to stand.
stati se, v.n. to begin, become.
stav, s.m., rank.
stávali, v.n., to stand, to be.
stavba, s.f., a building.
stavhii, s.n., z'ifcwz.
stavili, v.a., to place.
í/Wí?, s.n., a stalk.
století, s.n., a century.
statisíc, card, num., one hun- dred thousand.
strach, s.m., fear.
strana, s.f, side, country.
strojili, v.a., to get ready.
stručné, adv., briefly.
struna, s.f, a String.
stýskali se, v.n., to trouble one- self, to be anxious about.
iZ'ifr, s.m., strife, agitation.
svatý, adj., holy (abridged as sv.).
svazek, s.m., a confederation.
svěřili, v.a., to entrust.
svět, s.m., the world.
světili, v.a., to consecrate.
svělnica, s.f, a room.
světoborný, adj., gathered from the world.
světský, adj., of the world, worldly, also secular clergy as opposed to regular.
svítili, v.n., to shine.
svoboda, s.f, liberty.
svuj, poss. pr., his.
syn, s.m., a son.
šat, s.m., dress.
šatnice, s.f, a cupboard where clothes are kept.
Semberova, feminine form of the surname Sembera.
šeřili,v.n.,to look gloomy,stern.
šerý, adj., gray.
škoda, s.f, disadvantage.
škola, s.f, a school.
skolstvri, s.n., a system of edu- cation.
Šlechta, s.f, nobility.