Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/62

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/3. Pres. stem, mr-e.

Singular. Plural.

Pres. i mr-u mf-e-me

2. mř-e-í mf-e-te

3. mr-e mr-ou.

Imp. 1. - mf-e-me.

2. mr-i mf-e-te

3. mr-i mf-e-te.

Pres. part. act. mr-a.

To this group belong the verbs mliti, to grind, melu; Irili, to rub, tru, &c.

(7) Stems which end in a vowel, biti, to strike.

a. Inf. stem, it. Inf. bi-li. Past part. act. I. bi-v. Past part, act. II. bi-l. Past part. pass. bi-t.

|3. Pres. stem, bi-j-e.

Singular. Plural.

Pres. 1. bi-j-i bi-j-e-me

2. bi-j-es bi-j-e-te

3. bi-j-e bi-j-i. Imp. 1. - bi-me

2. M bi-te

3. fo" čř-Zř.

Pres. part. act. bij-e.

Some verbs of this conjugation take also a form in tn, as znam. Verbs of this conjugation are—piti, to drink, piji; Mti, to live, žiji; pěli, to sing, pěji; kryti, to cover, kryji; myti, to wash, myji; and slouti, to have the reputation, to be called, sluji (cf. Greek kKwiv). Besides sluji we sometimes get in the present slovul.

So also plouli, to swim; pres. pluj; perf. plul and sem ;

1 This illustrates such a form as jkhbj" as present of verb skhti., to live.