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070 INDEX. Augury by birds, iii. 403, 429, 431. Augustin, St., on persecution, i. 211, 214. disbelieves in incubi, iii. 384. on magic transformation, iii. 391. on efficacy of prayer, iii. 395. disbelieves in astrology, iii. 437. on the Divine Vision, iii. 590. Augustin (England), his missionary labors, iii. 400. Augustinians, Order of, iii. 32, 103. Ausch, Abp. of,summoned to persecute, i. 136. Waldenses in, ii. 148. Austria, Iuq. in, i. 301 ; ii. 347. Luciferans in, ii. 358, 375. Waldenses in, ii. 400, 416. order to arrest Templars in, iii. 303. Auto de fe, or serino, i. 389, 391. in Rome in 1231, ii. 200. Auvergne, Templar possessions in, iii. 251. Auzon, charter of, in 1260, i. 407, 423. Avegliana, disregard of Iuq. in, ii. 263. Averrhoes, iii. 558. Averrhoism, iii. 561. of Limoux Xoir, ii. 108. toleration of, in 15th cent., iii. 574. taught throughout 16th cent., iii. 577. in Aragon, ii. 169. in Castile, ii. 183. in Portugal, ii. 188. Averrhoists, their numbers, iii. 564. Avignon, besieged by crusaders, i. 199. magistrates present at trials, i. 377. Inq. introduced in, ii. 118. Waldenses in, ii. 147. the Black Death in, ii. 379. Fraticelli burned in, iii. 168. Petrarch's description of, iii. 633. C. of 1209, on preaching, i. 23. establishes episcopal Inq. i. 314. C. of 1457, asserts Immaculate Con- ception, iii. 60U. Avignonet, massacre of, ii. 35. Avis, Order of, in Portugal, iii. 317. Aymeri de Collet, Catharan bp., ii. 26. Aymon, Bp. of Vercelli, his capture, i. 11. Aymond Picard rejects transubstantiation. ii. 144. Azzo IX. attacks Ezzelin, ii. 228. Azzo X. settles case of Armanno Pongilupo, ii. 241. BACOX, Roger, his career, iii. 552. on civil law, i. 309. on magic, iii. 425. on alchemy, iii. 436. on Xotory Art, iii. 436. on astrology, iii. 439. Bafomet, iii. 270. Bail taken of accused, i. 407, 476. Baines, Bp. Peter A, on Immaculate Con- ception, iii. 611. Bajolenses, i. 98; ii. 193. Balardi, Tommaso, his witch-trials, iii. 518. Balbinus, his praise of Huss, ii. 445. Baldwin of Toulouse, his fate, i. 168. Bamberg, quarrels with its bp., ii. 532. Observantine reformation in, iii. 173. witches burned in, iii. 549. C. of 1491, on heresy, ii. 413, 423. Bandello, Vineenzo, denies Immaculate Con- ception, iii. 601. Banishment for heresy, i. 220, 462; ii. 170. Barbara, Empress, her character, ii. 539. Barbarian codes, sbrcery in, iii. 409. Barbarians, toleration under, i. 216. their helpful spirits, iii. 382. their magic, iii. 401. Barbes, their missionary circuits, ii. 248, 268. Barcelona, its subjection to Charlemagne, ii. 162. Inq. organized in, ii. 166. separate Inq. for, ii. 179. complains of Eymerich, iii. 586. Baroni of Florence, their protection of her- esy, ii. 209, 210. their prosecution, i. 496; ii. 211. Barozzi, Bp. of Padua, protects Xit'o, iii. 576. Bartholomew the Augustinian, ii. 360. Bartolino da Perugia, his inquest at Todi, iii. 149. Bartolo, his perplexitv as to witchcraft, iii. 534. Bartolomeo da Cervere, his martyrdom, ii. 264. Bartolomeo di Tybuli, i. 355. Bartolomeo of Pisa, his belief in Joachim, iii. 11. Basilius the sorcerer burned, iii. 399. Basle, its reconciliation in 1348, iii. 157. Beguines persecuted in, 1400, ii. 403. C. of, indicated, ii. 528. abolishes annates, ii. 530. its quarrels with Eugenius IV., ii. 531, 533. negotiates with Hussites, ii. 530, 533, 534, 536, 537. withdraws cup from laity, ii. 473, 539. burns Nicholas of Buldesdorf, iii. 89. decides in favor of Observantines, iii. 1 73. asserts Immaculate Conception, iii. 600. failure of its reform, iii. 638. Bassani, Giacobba de', iii. 98, 100. Bavaria, the Inq. in, ii. 347. slaughter of Jews, ii. 379. Waldenses in, ii. 397. Beatific Vision, the, iii. 590. Beaucaire, siege of, i. 184. restriction on bearing arms, i. 382. Beauffort, Paven de, case of, iii. 523, 525. 529, 532. Beaumanoir on sorcery, iii. 427. Beaurevoir, Joan of Arc confined in, iii. 359. Beauvais, Bp. of, his capture, i. 11. Bech, Giacomo, case of, ii. 255.