Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/687

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INDEX. 67J Bedford, Regent, on Joan of Arc, iii. 346. purchases Joan of Arc, iii. 358. Beggary, holy, ii. 352. its merit called in question, ii. 36*7 ; iii 131. of the Templars, iii. 242. Beghards and Beguines (see also Oi tlibenses and Brethren of the Free Spirit). their origin, ii. 350. efforts at repression, ii. 354. confusion as to the name, ii. 355. commencement of persecution, ii. 367. condemned by C. of Vienne, ii. 361). persecuted under the Clementines, ii. 371. as Tertiaries of Mendicant Orders, ii. 371, 413. severely persecuted, ii. 386, 387, 390, 392, 395, 401, 403, 411. their houses confiscated, i. 530 ; ii. 389, 391. protected by bishops, ii. 394. Wasmod's account of them, ii. 397. protected by C. of Constance, ii. 409. aid the Reformation, ii. 413. in Bohemia, ii. 430, 435, 517. Beguinages, ii. 352, 353. canon of Vienne concerning, ii. 369. their destruction under the Clementines, ii. 371. Beguines, or Olivists of Languedoc, iii. 50, 77. 81. Beirut, Bp. of, iii. 520, 522, 529. Beissera, case of, ii. 12. Bela IV. (Hungary), his crusades against Bosnia, ii. 295, 296, 297. Belgrade, victory of, ii. 553. Bellarmine, Card., condemns Lully, iii. 588. Bembo, Card., protects Pomponazio, iii. 576. Benedict XI. tries to reconcile clergy and Mendicants, i. 290. deprives bps. of financial control, i. 336. represses extortion, i. 478. regulates confiscations, i. 510, 512. favors the Inq. of Languedoc, ii. 84. prejudges Pequignv, ii. 85. orders arrest of Bern. Delicieux, ii. 86. reconciles Philippe le Bel, ii. 86. his mercy to Ghibellines, ii. 236. introduces Inq. in Sicily, ii. 248. releases Jacopone da Todi, iii. 41. penances Arnaldo de Vilanova, iii. 55. summons Ubertino da Casale, iii. 59. reconciles the Colonnas, iii. 194. his dealings with Greek Church, iii. 619. Benedict XII. ursres Inq. on England, i. 354. his persecution of Waldenses, ii. 151. annuls the laws of Siena, ii. 275. persecutes Cathari of Dalmatia and Croatia, ii. 301, 302. appoints inqs. in Bohemia, ii. 431. builds palace of Avignon, iii. 68. Benedict XII. rejects appeal of Felipe of Majorca, iii. 81. orders Dolcinists suppressed, iii. 128. refuses submission of Louis of Bavaria iii. 155. assails the Fraticelli, iii. 159. annuls condemnation of Visconti iii 202. burns sorcerers, iii. 459. asserts the Divine Vision, iii. 595. on clerical demoralization, iii. I tries Pierre Recordi, iii. 657. Benedict XIII. on Savonarola's saintliness, iii. 236. Benedict XIV. regards Savonarola as a saint, iii. 236. on Raymond Lully, iii. 589. on Immaculate Conception, iii. 611. Benedict XIII. (antipope) protects Vicente Ferrer, ii. 176. divides Inq. of Majorca, ii. 177. Benedictines, their corruption, i. 37 ; iii. 640. as inqs., ii. 118. Benefices, distribution of, i. 24. Benevento, battle of, ii. 232. witches' gathering- place, iii. 500. Benigno, Fra, his extortions, i. 478. Berard, Thomas, purchases Sidon, iii. 271. Berard Tremoux, inq., imprisonment of, ii. 141. Berardo da Rajano, ii. 246, 585. Berenger of Carcassonne, expelled by here- tics, i. 138. Berenger de Fredole, iii. 278, 283. Berenger of Narbonne, his trial, i. 15. refuses assistance against heresy, i. 137. Berenger de Palau organizes Inq. in Barce- lona, ii. 166. Berenger of Tours, his heresy, i. 218. accused of magic, iii. 419. Bergamo, Waldensian conference, i. 76; ii. 196. toleration of heresy in 1232, ii. 202. its laws against the Inq., ii. 230. persistence of heresy, ii. 239, 271. witches of, contest over, i. 539 ; iii. 546. C. of, 1311, revives episcopal Inq., i. 359. Berlaiges, heretics burned at, i. 537 ; ii. 46. Berger, W., his argument as to IIuss's safe- conduct, ii. 463. Bernabo Visconti condemned as heretic, iii. 202. Bernard, St., his condemnation of the Church, i. 16, 24, 52. on the study of the civil law, i. 59. confutes Henry of Lausanne, i. 70. opposes Arnald of Brescia, i. 73. admits the virtues of Cathari, i. 101. his uncertainty of tolerance, i. 219. approves of ordeal in heresy trials, i. 306. frames the Templar Rule, iii. 239. denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 596. Bernard Aspa, case of, iii. 73.