Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/688

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672 INDEX. Bernard Audoyn, ii. 240. Bernard de Castanet as inq., i. 356. his liberality, i. 516. his persecution of heretics, ii. 67, 71. his reception at Albi, ii. 78. deprived of inquisitorial power, ii. 93. his trial, ii. 572. Bernard de Oauz issues sentences in his own name, i. 333. complained of by Jayme I., i. 395. mercy shown by, i. 486, 550. his liberality, i. 528. imprisons for relapse, i. 544. his activity in 1246, ii. 45. Bernard de Combret, his agreement with St. Louis, i. 515. Bernard Delicieux, his character and career, ii. 75. his impeding Inq., i. 349. on falsification of records, i. 380 ; ii. 72. on hopelessness of defence, i. 450 ; ii. 570. defends Castel Fabri, i. 445 ; ii. 73. attacks the Inq., ii. 70, 79, 81, 82, 84, 87. his arrest and release, ii. 86. before Philippe at Toulouse, ii. 87. negotiates with Ferrand of Majorca, ii. 88. his treason pardoned, ii. 90. appeals to Clement V., ii. 92. his belief in Joachim, iii. 11, 73. his relations with Arnaldo de Vilanova, iii. 55. appeals to John XXII., iii. 70. accused of magic, iii. 452. his trial and fate, ii. 100. Bernard l'Espinasser, ii. 52. Bernard Gui on use made of officials, i. 340. on Clementines, i. 344, 454, 478 ; ii. 97. on itinerant inquests, i. 370. on advantages of time of grace, i. 372. on limitation of familiars, i. 384. enforces oath of obedience, i. 385. requires episcopal concurrence, i. 387. his great autos defe, i. 393. approves of torture, i. 424. on evidence of heresy, i. 432. discovers false witness, i. 440. on advocates of heretics, i. 444. on penance of crosses, i. 470. penalties inflicted by, i. 495, 551. on death-penalty, i. 535. on relapse in fautorship, i. 548. on unfulfilled penance, i. 548. burns the Talmud, i. 555. his career at Toulouse, ii. 104, 107. his account of Waldensian tenets, ii. 149. drives Dolcinists to Spain, ii. 184. on Olivi's remains, iii. 45. his description of Olivists, iii. 83. of Apostolic Brethren, iii. 122. sent as nuncio to Lombardy, iii. 196. Bernard de Montesquieu, case of, i. 519. Bernard Peitevin, case of, ii. 8. Bernard Pons, case of, i. 448. Bernard du Puy, inq., i. 396. Bernard Raymond, i. 123, 124. Bernardino of Cona, his condemnation as heretic, iii. 202. Bernardino da Feltre, ii. 275; iii. 601. Bernardino, St., of Siena, ii. 272 ; iii. 172. Bernardo, inq. of Aragon, ii. 17". Bernardo del Bosco, ii. 271 ; iii. 546. Bernardo di Como proves reality of Sabbat, iii. 498. Bernardo de Puycerda persecutes Spirituals, iii. 85. Bernardo Travesser, inq., his martyrdom, ii. 167. Berne, Beguines persecuted, ii. 403. Dominicans burned at, ii. 424 ; iii. 604. witches in, iii. 534. Berner de Xivelle, heresy of, ii. 121. Bernez, proceedings at, ii. 265. Bernhard of Hirsau ejects Beguines, ii. 413. Berthold of Coire murdered by heretics, ii. 346. Berthold of Ratisbon, his preaching, i. 268. on merits of contemplation, iii. 2. on papal dispensation, iii. 28. on simony, iii. 624. Berthold, Bp. of Strassburg, persecutes Beg- hards, ii. 374. Berti, Michele, burned at Florence, iii. 165. Bertrand, Bp. of Albi, i. 515. Bertrand de la Bacalairia, ii. 42. Bertrand Blanc denounces the Inq., ii. 92. Bertrand de Bordes of Albi disregards Clem- ent's orders, ii. 95. Bertrand, Cardinal-legate, i. 185, 187. Bertrand de Cigotier as inq., ii. 118 ; iii. 44. Bertrand de Clermont, ii. 55, 71. Bertrand of Embrun on scandals of familiars, i. 383, 572; ii. 276. Bertrand of Metz, his troubles with Wal- denses, ii. 318. Bertrand de Povet, Cardinal, iii. 68, 135. Bertrand de Sanities, iii. 293, 297. Bertrand de la Tour, Cardinal, iii. 69, 132, 148, 196. Bertrando Piero, his activity, ii. 264. Besancon, trial of Abp. of, i. 14. Abp. of, uses magic, i. 306. Inq. in, i. 530; ii. 119, 149. wer-wolves burned at, ii. 145. Bethlehem chapel, Huss's sermons in, ii. 445. Betrayal of accomplices, i. 409. Beziers, Bp. of, refuses to persecute, i. 137. prevalence of heresy in, i. 138. Pierre de Castelnau threatened at, i. 142. sack of, i. 154. assembly of experts in 1329, i. 390. heresy of disobedience at, ii. 66. the Black Death in, ii. 379.