Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/689

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INDEX. 673 Beziers, Raymond Roger of, endeavors to make peace, i. 150. resists the crusade, i. 153. his capture and death, i. 156. Spiritual convent of, iii. 43, 62, 70. C. of, in 1233, on monastic abuses, i. 39. regulates episcopal Inq.,i. 331,469, 507. C. of, 1243, Raymond VII. urges epis- copal Inq., ii. 39. C. of, 1246, orders synodal witnesses, i. 317. regulates the Inq., i. 332, 370, 375, 386, 404, 438, 444, 462, 464, 466, 469, 471, 485, 489, 496, 507, 514, 517, 526, 544; ii. 45. C. of, 1299, on growth of Catharism, ii. 71. condemns Olivists, iii. 50, 71. Bianchi, pilgrimage of, ii. 404. Bible, prohibition of, i. 131, 324; iii. 612. translation forbidden, iii. 613. Bidon de Puy-Guillem, i. 452; ii. 127. Billon, Martin, inq., claims Joan of Arc, iii. 357. Bingen, Waldenses burned in 1392, ii. 397. Birds, divination by, iii. 403, 429. Birgitta, St., on the Franciscans, i. 296. on John XXII., iii. 69. on Fraticelli, iii. 159. on corruption of the Church, iii. 634. Biscay, case of Alonso de Mella, iii. 169. Bishops, methods of appointment, i. 6. military character of, i. 9. their salvation impossible, i. 13. prostitution of their. power, i. 16; iii. 630, 631, 632, 643. abuse of their letters, i. 19. their methods of extortion, i. 20. their quarrels with the Mendicants, i. 278. origin of their jurisdiction, i. 308. inq. of parishes by, i. 312. their indifference as to heresy, i. 315. responsible for persecution, i. 330. asked to aid inqs., i. 329. they regulate the Inq., i. 331. their co-operation with inqs., i. 364 ; ii. 87,94,96, 140; iii. 479. their concurrence in sentences, i. 332, 333, 387. their jealousv of Inq., i. 350, 357 ; ii. 132. obliged to enforce inquisitorial sen- tences, i. 333. their presence required in torture, i. 426. share in control of prisons, i. 493 ; ii. 96. as assistants of inqs., i. 374. as inqs., ii. 163, 198. their jurisdiction questioned, i. 358. distinction of jurisdiction, iii. 482. III.— 43 Bishops surrender their jurisdiction to Inq., ii. 578. not subject to jurisdiction of Inq i. 347. to obey inqs., i. 348. jurisdiction over inqs., i. 363 ; ii. 80, 87, 94, 133. supervised by inqs., iii. 27. delegate their powers to inqs., i. 388. responsible for expenses of Inq., i. 489, 525; ii. 139, 154,174. endeavor to share in the spoils, i. 336, 359,510,512,514. complain of leniency of Inq., ii. 46. appeals from, i. 450. they protect the Beghards, ii. 394,401. their obligation of poverty, iii. 132. their complaints of the Templars, iii. 241. ordered to examine Templars, iii. 282. ordered to employ torture, iii. 286. cognizance of sorcery reserved to, iii J 434. Bishops, Catharan, i. 93, 119. Bishops, French, oppose the Inq., ii. .1 14. ordered to aid Inq., ii. 116. Bishops, German, resist the Inq. ? ii. 338, 346. Bishops of Languedoc, their seizure of lands, ii.3. Bishops, Waldensian, i. 83; ii, 522, 564. Bishoprics, sale of, i. 8. Bizenus, Eleutherus, his triumph of Reuch- lin, ii. 424. Bizochi, iii. 37, 75. Black Death, the, ii. 379. services of Mendicants in, i. 290. Blaise Boerii assists Olivists, iii. 74. Blanc, Humbert, his crusading enterprise, iii. 248. his trial in England, iii. 301. Blanche, Regent, her difficulties, i. 201, 202. relations with the Pastoureaux, i. 270, 271. Blanchet, Eustace, iii. 475. Blasio di Monreale, inq., ii. 266. Blasphemy, punishment of, i. 235; ii. 122. profitable to Inq., i. 479. Blomaert confuted by John of Rvsbroek, ii. 377. Blood, judgments of, forbidden to clergy, i. 223. duty of Church to shed, i. 536. Blood of Christ, quarrel over, ii. 171. Blouyn, Jean, inq., tries Gilles de Rais, iii. 479. Bluebeard, iii. 489. Boccaccio on Florentine inq., i. 479. on the Templars, iii. 328. story of the Three Rings, iii. 564. on corruption of the curia, iii. 634. Bockeler, inq., persecutes Winkelers, ii. 400. condemns John Malkaw, iii. 206. Bogomili, i. 90, 216.