Page:A modern pioneer in Korea-Henry G. Appenzeller-by William Elliot Griffis.djvu/338

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FOREIGN MISSIONS ROBERT E. SPEER The Cole Lectures for igil. Some Great Leaders in the World Movement i2mo, cloth, net $1.25. Mr. Speer in his characteristic inspiring way has pre- sented the key note of the lives of six of the World's great- est missionaries: Raymond Lull, the crusading spirit in mis- sions; William Carey, the problems of the pioneer; Alexander Duff, Missions and Education; George Bowen, the ascetic ideal in missions; John Lawrence, politics and missions; and Charles G. Gordon, modern missionary knight-errancy, .y. M. ZWEMER, F.R.G.S., and Others Islam and Missions i2mo, cloth, net $1.50. This volume presents the papers read at the Second Conference on Missions to Moslems, recently held in Luck- now, India. The contributors are all experts of large ex- perience in such mission effort. VAN SOMMER, ANNIE, and Others Daylight in the Harem A New Era for Moslem Women. In Press. Woman's work for Woman is nowhere more needed than on the part of Christian women for their sisters of Islam. It is a most difficult field of service, but this volume by au- thors long and practically interested in this important Chris- tian ministry, demonstrates how efiFectually this work has opened and is being carried forward with promising results. ROBERT A. HUME, P.P. An Interpretation of India's Religious Hi ^ri-T Introduction by President King, LL,D. niJ>lOry ofOberlin College i2mo, cloth, net $1.25. The author of this careful, though popular, study, is eminently qualified to deal with the subject of his thought- ful volume. Equipped for this purpose through long resi- dence in India and intimate study af India's religious his- tory, what he says will be accepted as the estimate and in- terpretation of an authority. MARGARET E. BURTON The Education of Women in China Illustrated, i2mo, cloth, net $1.25. The author of this scholarly study of the Chinese woman and education is the daughter of Prof. Ernest E. Burton, of the University of Chicago The work is probably the most thorough study of an important phase of the economic development of the world's most populous country that hat appeared.