Page:A modern pioneer in Korea-Henry G. Appenzeller-by William Elliot Griffis.djvu/339

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FOREIGN MISSIONS Z. S. LOFTIS, M. D. A Message from Batang The Diary of Z. S. Loftis, M.D. Illustrated, i2mo. doth, net 7Sc. Dr. Loftis went out to Tibet as a medical missionary of , the Disciples Church. His diary contains the events of the outgoing trip together with incidents of the daily life of a missionary in this "closed" land. HON. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN The Fruits of the Tree l6mo, boards, net 35c. This is the address which Mr. Bryan delivered at the World's Missionary Conference at Edinburgh and contains his views on missions — views which are the result of hie personal and painstaking investigation on foreign fields. HELEN S. DYER Pandita Ramabai The Story of Her Life. Second Bdition. Illus- trated, i2mo, cloth, $1.25. "The story of a wonderful life, still in the midcarcer of high usefulness. 'Pandita' should be known to all American women." — The Outlook. MINERVA L. GUTHAPFEL The Happie^ Girl in Korea And Other Sketches from the Land of Morning Calm. Illustrated, i2mo, cloth, net 60c. These sketch stories of actual life in Korea by a mis- sionary of experience and insight portray conditions^ of reaJ life; they combine humor, pathos and vivid description. JOHN JACKSON Secretary to the Mission to Lepers in India and the East. Mary Reed, Missionary to the Lepers New Edition. Illustrated, i2mo, cloth, net 50c.; paper, net 25c. G. T. B. DAVIS Korea for Ghri^ Illustrated, paper, net 25c. An effective report of the recent revivals in Korea told by an eye witness, who himself participated in the work.