Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/101

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Dallt, n. the understanding: v. to understand

Dallu, v. to grow blind

Dam, a prefix to denote being about, or circumscribe

Damaethu, v. to be husbanding or cultivating

Damblygu, v. to fold round

Damborthi, v. to be upholding

Dambrynu, v. to be purchasing

Dambwyo, v. to beat about

Damcanu, v. to be contriving

Damchwa, n. an overturn

Damchwaen, n. an accident

Damchweiniad, n. a chancing

Damchweinio, v. to happen

Damdeithio, v. to perambulate

Damdoi, v. to cover about

Damdorchi, v. to wreath about

Damdori, v. to cover about

Damdramwy, v. to travel about

Daradreiglo, v. to circumvolve

Damdreimio, v. to look about

Damdroi, v. to turn round

Damdrosi, v. to drive about

Damdrychu, v. to be amputating

Damdwrdd, n. a confused stir

Damdwyo, v. to be castigating

Damdyfu, v. to grow about

Damdyngu, v. to appraise

Damdyru, v. to heap about

Damdywys, v. to lead about

Damddal, v. to hold in

Damddyblygu, v. to be folding about

Damfachu, v. to grapple about

Damfwrw, v. to cast about

Damffrydio, v. to flow about

Damgaeru, v. to fortify about

Damgludo, v. to carry about

Damglymu, v. to be tying about

Damglywed, v. to feel impulse

Damgnoi, v. to fret about

Damgreinio, v. to crawl about

Damgyffred, v. to imagine

Damyffroi, v. to be agitating

Damgylchynu, v. to circumscribe

Damledu, v. to expand round

Damlenwi, v. to fill round

Damlewyrchu, v. to illumine

Damlifo, v. to flow round

Damlunio, v. to be forming

Damlygu, v. to be elucidating

Damlynu, v. to adhere about

Dammeg, n. a parable

Dammegol, a. allegorical

Dammegu, v. to allegorize

Damnoddi, v. to be protecting

Damnoethi, v. to expose

Damnyddu, v. to twist about

Damranu, v. to be separating

Damred, n. circulation

Damredu, v. to circulate

Damrithio, v. to be seeming

Damrodi, v. to wheel round

Damrwymo, v. to be tying round

Damryson, v. to be disputing

Damrywio, v. to be varying

Damsangu, v. to dance round

Damsathru, v. to tread round

Damwain, n. accident, chance

Damweiniad, n. a chancing

Damweiniaeth, n. a chance

Damweinio, v. to happen

Damwyn, n. fortune, hap

Dân, n. a lure, a charm

Danadl, n. the nettles

Danadlen, n. a nettle

Danas, n. deer; venison

Danfon, v. to send, to convey

Danfoniad, n. a sending

Danfonol, a. missionary

Danheddian, n. dentition

Danheddog, a. toothed

Danheddu, v. to teeth; to bite

Dannod, v. to reproach; to upbraid; to twit

Dannodiad, n. a reproaching

Dannodwr, n. upbraider

Dannodd, n. tooth-ache

Dannogen, n. the betony

Dansawdd, n. a principle

Dansoddi, v. to form a principle

Dansoddiad, n. abstraction

Dansoddiaeth, n. physiology

Dant, n. a tooth; a tine; a cog

Danteithiad, n. making dainty