Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/102

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Danteiddiol, a. dainty

Danteithion, n. dainties

Danteithrwydd, n. deliciousness

Dangos, v. to show, to disclose, or make known

Dangosadwy, a. ostensible

Dangosedigol, a. demonstrative

Dangoseg, n. an index

Dangosiad, n. a shewing

Dangosiadol, a. demonstrative

Dangosiadus, a. showy

Dangosol, n. indicative, shewing

Dangoswr, n. one who shews

Dar, a. prefix that implies before, upon, or about to be, analogous to PRE: n. a noise or din

Darammhau, v. to hesitate

Daramred, n. circulation: to go about

Daramrediad, n. a circulating

Darbenu, v. to raise upright; to form a perpendicular

Darblygu, v. to double over

Darbod, n. a preparation: v. to prepare, to provide

Darbodaeth, n. forecast

Darbodiad, n. a preparing

Darbodol, a. precautious

Darbodoldeb, n. precautiousness

Darbodus, a. provident

Darborthi, v. to sustain, to maintain

Darbwyo, v. to verberate

Darbwyll, n. persuasion

Darbwyllo, v. persuade

Darbwyso, v. to preponderate

Darchwantu, v. to covet

Darchwhareu, v. to sport about

Darchwennych, to covet greatly

Darchwilio, v. to pry about

Darchwyddo, v. to swell up

Darddiffynu, v. to protect

Darddodi, v. to prefix

Darddonio, v. to endow

Darddosbarthu, v. to elucidate

Darddringo, v. to climb up

Darddullio, v. to describe

Darddwyrain, v. to soar aloft

Darddwyso, v. to make dense

Darddychrynu, v. to intimidate

Darddychwel, v. to recur back

Darddyfod, v. to come to pass

Dareb, n. a proverb, an adage

Darebu, v. to use a proverb

Daredrych, v. to observe

Daredd, n. tumultuous din

Daregnïo, v. to use exertion

Daren, n. a noise, or din

Darestyn, v. to extend over

Darfachu, v. to grapple over

Darfaddeu, v. to be remitting

Darfalanu, v. to bud out

Darfathru, v. to trample over

Darfeilo, v. to pile up

Darfelyddu, v. to imagine

Darferu, v. to accustom

Darfaethu, v. to miscarry, to fail

Darfinio, v. to acuate, to edge

Darfod, n. a finish: v. to finish; to be ended

Darfodadwy, a. perishable

Darfodedig, a. evanescent

Darfodedigaeth, n. consumption

Darfodiad, n. a finishing

Darfodoldeb, n. transientness

Darfodol, a. finishing, ending

Darfoddio, v. to please

Darfoethu, v. to nourish tenderly

Darfoli, v. to be celebrated

Darfolli, v. to receive kindly

Darfradu, v. to act treachery

Darfrathu, v. to vulnerate

Darfreinio, v. to dignify

Darfritho, v. to variegate

Darfriwio, v. to be fracting

Darfrochi, v. to be ruffling

Darfrodiad, n. embroidery

Darfrudio, v. to prognosticate

Darfrydio, v. to be throbbing

Darfrysio, v. to be speeding

Darfrywio, v. to make brisk

Darfrwytho, v. to blandish

Darfrydiol, a. residing, abiding

Dargadw, v. to be securing

Dargaenu, v. to stratify

Dargraethu, v. to restrict