Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/129

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Dyethol, v. to select

Dyfachu, v. to grapple

Dyfais, n. device, invention

Dyfal, n. simile, riddle: a. incessant; tedious; diligent: industrious

Dyfalâd, n. a going on

Dyfalâu, v. to be going on

Dyfalder, n. diligence

Dyfalgerdd, n. descriptive song

Dyfaliad, n. making a simile

Dyfalu, v. to make a simile, to liken; to guess to describe

Dyfarnu, v. to pass sentence

Dyfeirio, v. to grow furious

Dyfeisiad, n. invention

Dyfeisio, v. to devise; to guess

Dyfeithrin, v. to be nursing

Dyfelu, v. to bicker, to brawl

Dyferiad, n. a dropping

Dyferiog, a. dropping; leaky

Dyferu, v. to drop, to drizzle

Dyferwad, n. ebullition

Dyferwi, v. to boil

Dyferyn, n. a single drop

Dyferynu, v. to drizzle

Dyfeth, n. failing; nullity

Dyfetha, v. to destroy

Dyfethiad, n. a destroying

Dyfethlu, v. to entangle

Dyfethwr, n. a destroyer

Dyfian, v. to move slowly

Dyfinio, v. to set an edge

Dyflaenu, v. to sharpen

Dyflanu, v. to illumine

Dyflisgo, v. to strip of shells

Dyfloen, n. a splinter

Dyfnâd, n. a deepening

Dyfnad, n. what is inured

Dyfnawd, n. profundity

Dyfnder, n. deepness

Dyfnu, v. to suck; to be used

Dyfod, v. to come; to be: to come to pass

Dyfodiad, n. a coming

Dyfodiant, n. futurity

Dyfodol, a. adventitious, coming future

Dyfolio, v. to guzzle

Dyfrrâd, n. irrigation

Dyfrâu, v. to irrigate

Dyfrbwysiant, n. hydrostatics

Dyfrefu, v. to bleat

Dyfrfydrai, n. hydrometer

Dyfrgi, n. an otter

Dyfrglwyf, n. the dropsy

Dyfrhynt, n. water-course

Dyfriad, n. watering; irrigation

Dyfriar, n. water-hen, coot

Dyfrbigo, v. to top, to prune

Dyfrïo, v. to dignify

Dyfritho, v. to variegate

Dyfriwo, v. to crumble

Dyfrlan, n. water brink

Dyfrle, n. bed of a river

Dyfrllyd, a. waterish, watery

Dyfrogan, n. hydromancy

Dyfrol, a. watery, aqueous

Dyfru, v. to water

Dyfrwraint, n. a tetter

Dyfry, adv. upward; aloft

Dyfryd, n. a longing: a. longing

Dyfrydaeth, n. a longing

Dyfrydio, v. to heat

Dyfrydol, a. longing

Dyfrydu, v. to muse; to long

Dyfrys, n. haste, speed

Dyfrysiad, n. a hastening

Dyfrysio, v. to hasten

Dyfu, v. to move on; to come

Dyfustlo, v. to embitter

Dyfwrw, v. to cast out

Dyfwyn, n. satisfaction

Dyfwynâd, n. a satisfying

Dyfwyni, n. satisfaction

Dyfwyno, v. to satisfy

Dyfwyta, v. to eat often

Dyfyn, n. a citation

Dyfyniad, n. a citation

Dyfynol, a. citatory

Dyfynu, v. to draw to; to cite

Dyfwyo, v. to augment

Dyfyru, v. to curtail

Dyfysgu, v. to make confusion

Dyffrydio, v. to stream

Dyffryn, n. valley, dale, vale

Dyffugliad, n. ventilation