Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/130

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Dyffustol, v. to beat

Dyffysgo, v. to hurry

Dygadwy, a. portable

Dygamu, v. to bend

Dyganre, n. concomitance

Dyganu, v. to chant

Dygas, n. hatred: a. hated

Dygasedd, n. enmity, hatred

Dygegu, v. to gargle, to mouth

Dygelu, v. to conceal

Dygen, n. malice, grudge

Dygiad, n. a bearing, a carrying

Dygiadus, a. decorous, trained

Dygiannus, a. conductory

Dygiant, n. deportment

Dygleigio, v. to sink

Dygleisio, v. to make weals

Dyglist, n. slime, bitumen

Dygludo, v. to waft

Dygluddo, v. to hem in

Dyglyw, n. a hearing

Dyglywed, v. to hear, to listen

Dygnod, n. a toiling

Dygnol, a. striving, toiling

Dygnedd, n. trouble

Dygniad, n. toiling

Dygnoad, n. mastication

Dygnoi, v. to masticate

Dygnu, v. to toil hard

Dygnudo, v. to flock together

Dygochi, v. to blush, to redden

Dygoddi, v. to aggrieve

Dygofio, v. to call to mind

Dygolli, v. to lose

Dygospi, v. to punish

Dygraffu, v. to impress

Dygredu, v. to believe

Dygreidio, v. to impassion

Dygreinio, v. to crawl

Dygrenu, v. to grasp

Dygrëu, v. to create

Dygroni, v. to accumulate

Dygrychu, v. to rumple

Dygrymu, v. to bow

Dygrynu, v. to quake

Dygrysio, v. to speed

Dyguddio, v. to hide

Dyguro, v. to reverberate

Dygwydd, n. lapse; hap

Dygwyddiad, n. a befalling

Dygwyddo, to befall, to happen

Dygwyddol, a. accidental

Dygwympo, v. to fall

Dygychwyn, v. to set off

Dygyd, v. to bear, to convey, to carry, to take away

Dygydfod, n. accordance

Dygyfalâu, v. to assimilate

Dygyfarfod, v. to meet

Dygyfarth, v. to bark

Dygyfarwyddo, v. to direct

Dygyfeirio, v. to meet together

Dygyflwyn, v. to approach

Dygyfodi, v. to rise

Dygyfor, v. to cause tumult

Dygyfranc, v. to deal together

Dygyfwrw, v. to cast

Dygyfysgi, n. a confusion

Dygyffroi, v. to agitate

Dygynweddu, v. to comply

Dygyhoeddi, v. to publish

Dygylchu, v. to encompass

Dygylchynu, v. to circumscribe

Dygyllaeth, n. a longing

Dygymell, v. to instigate

Dygymeryd, v. to accept

Dygymod, v. to agree

Dygymrodedd, n. congeniality

Dygymyredd, n. estimation

Dygymysgu, v. to mix

Dygymynu, v. to hew

Dygyn, a. severe, painful, hard

Dygynal, v. to uphold

Dygynull, v. to collect

Dygynwys, n. continence

Dygynu, v. to rise over

Dygyrchu, v. to assail

Dygyrhaedd, v. to attain

Dygysgodi, v. to adumbrate

Dygysgu, v. to slumber

Dygystuddio, v. to afflict

Dygythruddo, v. to agitate

Dygywain, v. to carry

Dyhaeddu, v. to merit

Dyhaenu, v. to spread over

Dyhaeru, v. to affirm, to assert