Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/139

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Eiddig, a. jealous: n. a jealous one; a zealot

Eiddigedd, n. zeal, jealousy

Eiddigeddu, v. to grow jealous

Eiddìgio, v. to grow jealous

Eiddigor, n. superior

Eiddigus, a. jealous; zealous

Eiddil, a. slender, small

Eiddilaâd, n. extenuation

Eiddilâu, v. to grow slender

Eiddiliad, n. extenuation

Eiddilo, v. to extenuate

Eiddilwch, n. slenderness

Eiddion, n. personal property

Eiddiorwg, n. the ivy

Eiddo, n. property; chattels

Eiddun, a. desirous, fond

Eidduneb, n. desire, choice

Eiddunedu, v. to desire

Eidduno, v. to desire, to wish, to pray; to vow

Eiddunol, a. delectable

Eiddwg, a. contiguous, near

Eiddwng, a. contiguous

Eiddyganu, v. to approximate

Eigiad, n. a bringing forth

Eigiaeth, n. a teeming estate

Eigian, n. centre; origin: v. to bring forth; to sob

Eigiaw, v. to generate

Eigiawl, a. teeming, prolific

Eigion, n. a source; a middle the abyss, or ocean

Eigraeth, n. virgin state

Eigrau, n. stockings without feet

Eigyr, n. a virgin, a maid

Eilar, n. second ploughing

Eilchwyl, ad. once more

Eilewydd, n. a musician

Eilfaint, n. second rate

Eilfam, n. second mother

Eilfydd, a. being second or like

Eilfyddu, v. to imitate

Eiliad, n. a constructing

Eiliant, n. a constructure

Eilier, n. the butterfly

Eilig, a. apt to glide

Eilio, v. to place alternately, to plait, to construct

Eilir, n. regeneration; spring

Eiliw, n. aspect, figure, hue

Eiliwed, n. reproach, shame

Eiloes, n. second age

Eilon, n. music, melody: n. a hart, a roebuck

Eilun, n. a copy; a resemblance; an image: an idol

Eilunaddolgar, a. idolatrous

Eilunaddoli, v. to worship idols

Eilunaddoliad, n. idolatry

Eilunaddolwr, n. an idolater, a worshipper of images

Eiluniad, n. an imitation

Eiluniaeth, n. an imitating

Eiluniant, n. portraiture

Eilunio, v. to imitate

Eilw, n. music, melody

Eilwaith, n. second time or turn

Eilwy, n. that makes melody

Eilwydd, n. love meeting

Eilydd, n. a musician

Eilyg, n. melody; delight

Eilyw, n. music, melody

Eilywiant, n. minstrelsy

Eill, pron. they or those

Eilldu, n. outward side

Eilliad, n. a cutting close or shaving

Eilliedydd, n. a cutter, a shaver

Eillio, v. to cut off; to shave

Eilliwr, n. a shaver, a barber

Ein, n. property: pron. our

Einawr, ad. now, at present

Einioes, n. course of life, life

Eingio, v. to expand or dilate

Eingion, n. an anvil

Eira, n. snow

Eiras, n. that glows, a cinder

Eirchiad, n. one who demands

Eirchiol, a. mandatory

Eirfydd, n. blazoner of arms

Eiriach, v. to deprecate

Eiriachiad, n. a deprecating

Eiriachus, a. deprecating

Eirtan, a. splendid, bright fair

Eirianawl, v. tending to make fair

Elrianedd, n. splendour