Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/140

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Eirianrodd, n. the galaxy

Eirianu, v. to make splendid

Eirias, n. a glowing; a cinder

Eiriasedd, n. glowingness

Eiriasu, v. to burn fiercely

Eiriesyn, n. a glowing cinder

Eirif, n. a number; a counting

Eirifaw, v. to enumerate

Eirifiad, n. enumeration

Eirig, a. splendid, shining, gay

Eirio, v. to brighten

Eirioes, n. purity of life

Eiriol, v. to intercede

Eiriolad, n. an interceding

Eiriolaeth, n. intercession

Eirioli, v. to entreat; to pray

Eiriolus, a. persuasive

Eiriolwch, n. intercession

Eiriolwr, n. intercessor

Eirion, n. ornaments, jewels

Eirioni, v. to adorn with jewels

Eirionyn, n. a border; a ruffle

Eirionynu, v. to fringe; to ruffle

Eirllyd, a. apt to be snowing

Eirthiaw, v. to growl; to bait

Eirwlaw, n. a sleeting rain

Eiry, n. snow

Eiryaidd, a. like snow, snowy

Eiryog, a. having snow

Eiryn, n. plums

Eirynllys, n. St. John’s-wort

Eirynwydd, n. plum-trees

Eisen, n. a rib; a lath

Eisglwyf, n. pleurisy

Eisiaw, v. to lathe; to lattice

Eisieu, n. want, need, lack

Eisieuedig, a. necessitated

Eisiwyd, n. indigence

Eisoes, ad. likewise; already

Eisor, a. equal, similar, like

Eisorawd, n. counterpart

Eisori, v. to make similar

Eisilled, n. offspring, issue

Eiste, n. the act of sitting

Eiste, v. to sit, to be seated

Eistedd, n. a sitting, a sit: v. to sit; to be seated

Eisteddfod, n. a sitting, a session

Eisteddiad, n. a sitting, a seating

Eisteddial, v. to sit often

Eisteddig, a. sedentary, sitting

Eisteddol, a. sitting, sedentary

Eiswng, n. a sob; a sigh

Eisyddynt, n. a tenement

Eithaf, n. extremity, farthest; a. extreme, farthest

Eithafed, n. an extremity

Eithafig, a. extreme, ultimate

Eithen, n. a prickle, or point

Eithin, n. furze, whin, gorse: a. full of prickles

Eithinen, n. a furze bush

Eithinfyw, n. the savine

Eithinog, a. full of furze

Eithiw, a. full of prickles

Eithr, a. except; besides

Eithriad, n. an exception

Etihraw, v. to except, to exclude

Eithrawl, exceptive, exclusive

El, n. intelligence, spirit

Elach, n. a little sorry fellow

Elaeth, n. spiritual being

Elaig, n. a minstrel

Elain, n. a hind, a fawn

Elanedd, n. intestines

Elawch, n. indulgence

Elcys, n. ganzas, wild geese

Elech, n. a slate, a flag

Eleni, n. this year: ad this year

Elest, n. flags, or sedges

Elestr, n. flag; fleus de lys

Elestren, n. flag; fluer de lys

Elf, n. elementary principle

Elfaeth, n. elementation

Elfed, a. autumn

Elfen, n. particle; element

Elfeniad, n. elementation

Elfenol, elemental, elementary

Elfenu, v. to element

Elfod, n. intellectual existence

Ellyd, intellectual world

Elfydd, n. elementary principle, earth, land

Elfyddan, n. the earthly globe

Elfydden, n. earth: region

Elfyddu, v. to element