Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/141

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Elff, n. pure state; a demon

Elgain, a. supremely fair

Elgeth, n. the chin, the jaw

Eli, n. a salve, a plaister

Eliad, n. a doing with salve

Eliaw, v. to apply a salve

Elin, n. angle; an elbow

Elinad, n. a making an angle

Elinaw, v. to angle; to elbow

Elinawg, a. angular; jointly

Elindys, n. caterpillars

Elor, n. a bier; a hearse

Elu, v. to move on: to go

Elus, a. bounteous, charitable

Elusen, n. bounty, alms

Eluseraidd, a. of a charitable turn

Elusendod, n. alms giving

Elusendy, n. alms house

Elusengar, a. charitable

Elusengarwch, charitableness

Eluseni, n. bounty, charity

Elusenwr, n. an almoner

Elw, n. goods, profit, gain

Elwa, v. to get wealth; to trade

Elwant, n. profit; lucre

Elwch, n. shout of joy; joy

Elwi, v. to turn to profit

Elwig, a. tending to produce

Elwl, n. the reins

Elwlen, n. a kidney

Elyd, n. what is fused

Elydn, n. brass

Elydraidd, a like brass, brassy

Elydyr, n. brass, bell-metal

Elyf, n. that glides: a. gliding

Elyw, n. aloes, juice of aloes

Ell, n. that is divided or outward; a. outward extreme

Ellael, n. an eyebrow

Ellaig, n. a pear

Ellain, a. radiant, splendid

Ellast, n. thistle

Ellbwyd, n. famine; hunger

Ellmyn, n. foreigners; Germans

Elltrewen, n. gossip; stepmother

Ellt, n. that is parted off

Ellwedd, n. outward aspect

Ellydd, n. a cutting off

Ellyll, n. an elf or goblin

Ellylldan, n. ignis fatuus

Ellylles, n. a she goblin

Ellyllyn, n. a little imp

Ellyn, n. a cutter, a razor

Ellynedd, n. the last year

Em, n. a jewel, or gem

Emano, ad. three days since

Emenydd, n. the brain

Emig, n. a little jewel

Eminiog, n. a door-post

Emyl, n. a border or edge

Emyn, n. a hymn, a chaunt

En, n. a living principle; a being; a spirit: a. essential

Enad, n. animation

Enaid, n. a soul; life

Enain, a. essential, pure

Enaint, n. anointment

Enawel, n. a hurricane

Enawr, n. an intelligence

Enbyd, a. dangerous, perilous

Enbydiad, n. an endangering

Enbydrwydd, n. perilousness

Enbydu, v. to endanger

Enbydus, perilousness, dangerous

Encil, n. retreat, flight

Enciliad, n. a retreating

Encilio, v. to retreat

Enciliwr, n. retreater

Encudd, n. a concealment

Encuddio, v. to conceal

Encyd, n. a space, a while

Enchwardd, n. loud laughter

Enderig, n. a steer; an ox

Enddawd, n. a setting mark

Enddodiant, n. distinction

Enddwl, n. the affection

Eneidfaddeu, a. cast for death

Eneidio, v. to endue with soul

Eneidiog, a. having a soul

Eneidiol, a. animated

Eneidioli, v. to animate

Eneidrwydd, n. the temples

Eneiniad, n. an annointing

Eneini, v. to annoint

Eneiniog, a. annointed

Eneiniwr, n. annointer