Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/157

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Glas, n. blue; verdancy: a. blue, pale; gray

Glasawg, a. being blue or livid

Glasbaill, n. bloom of fruit

Glasdonen, n. scarlet oak

Glasdorch, n. leveret; a cub

Glasdwr, n. milk and water

Glasddydd, n. dawning day

Glasfaen, n. blue stone, vitriol

Glasfarau, n. a samlet

Glasgangen, n. a grayling

Glasgoch, n. purple: a. purple

Glasgoed, n. green trees

Glasgolydd, n. the small guts

Glasgroen, n. a cuticle

Glashaid, n. a young swarm

Glasiad, n. a tingeing with blue

Glaslangc, n. a youth

Glaslannerch, n. a paddock

Glasog, n. a liver; a gizzard

Glasresaw, n. half welcome

Glasrew, n. a hoar frost

Glassan, n. a greyling

Glasu, v. to make blue

Glaswelw, a. of a blue paleness

Glaswellt, n. green grass

Glaswelltyn, n. a blade of green grass

Glaswen, n. a simper, a smirk

Glasweniad, n. a simpering

Glaswenu, v. to simper

Glaswst, n. the choloris

Glaswydd, n. green sapplings

Glaswyn, a. of a bluish white

Glaswyrdd, a. of a bluish green

Glaw, n. brightness, lucidity

Glawdd, n. lustre, splendour

Gleiad, n. dried dung, blake

Gleiaden, n. blake, a case

Gleindid, n. purity; holiness

Gleindorch, n. a string of beads

Gleinfaen, n. the alabaster

Gleiniad, n. a brightening

Gleiniadur, n. a pair of snuffers

Gleiniaw, v. to purify

Gleisiedyn, n. a salmon

Gleisiadeg, n. a salmon net

Gleision, n. clarified whey

Glendid, n. purity; fairness

Glesid, n. blueness; paleness

Glesin, n. the greensward

Glesni, n. blueness; verdaney

Gleswg, n. blueness: verdancy

Glesygen, n. a green spot

Glesyn, n. what is blue

Glew, n. a resolute man; a. persevering; brave

Glewa, v. to scrape together

Glewder, n. resolution; bravery

Glin, n. the knee

Glingam, a. knock-need

Gliniad, n. a kneeling

Glinio, v. to knee; to kneel

Gliniogai, n. cow-wheat

Glo, n. that is bright; coal

Globwll, n. a coal-pit

Gloddest, n. a carousal

Gloddestu, v. to carouse

Gloddestwr, n. a reveller

Gloen, a glower; a glow-worm

Gloen-byw, n. a butterfly

Gloes, n. a pang; a qualm

Gloesi, v. to cause a pang

Gloesiad, n. a causing a pang

Gloesineb, n. state of anguish

Gloesion, n. pangs, qualms

Gloesygiad, n. a swooning

Gloesygu, v. to faint

Gloesyndod, n. fainting state

Gloesynu, v. to swoon, to faint

Gloth, a. voluptuous; greedy

Glowr, n. a collier

Gloyn, n. a burning coal; a glow-worm

Gloyw, a. bright, transparent

Gloywdeg, a. brightly fair

Gloywder, n. clearness, brightness

Gloywddu, a. of bright black

Gloywedd, n. transparency

Gloywgain, a. brightly fair

Gloywgoch, a. of bright red

Gloywi, v. to clear, to brighten

Gloywiad, n. a brightening

Gloywineb, n. lucidity

Gloywlys, n. the euphrasy

Gloywon, n. clear of liquids

Glud, n. a leader, a chief