Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/158

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Glwth, n. voluptuary; a couch; a. voluptuous, sensual

Glwyd, a. of fair appearance

Glwys, a. pure; holy: fair

Glwysdeb, n. sanctitude

Glwyso, v. to sanctify

Glwysol, a. sanctified; pure

Glyd, n. glue; birdlime; a. tenacious, diligent

Glydaidd, a. of a sticky nature

Glydaw, v. to cement; to glue

Glydedd, n. viscidity

Glydiad, n. a glueing

Glydiogi, v. to make viscid

Glydiogrwydd, n. clamminess

Glydiol, a. viscous, glutinous

Glydioli, v. to make viscid

Glydrwydd, n. clamminess

Glydwydd, n. lime twigs

Glyfoer, n. drivel, slobbet

Glyfoerllyd, a. apt to drivel

Glyn, n. a deep vale, a glen

Glŷn, n. adhesion, sticking: a. adherent

Glynedig, a. sticking

Glyniad, n. a clinging

Glynol, a. adhering, sticking

Glynu, v. to stick, to cling

Glynwr, n. an adherent, stickler

Glythi, n. voluptuousness

Glythig, a. voluptuous; greedy

Glythineb, n. riotous living

Glythinebgar, a. voluptuous

Glythinebgarwch, n. voluptuousness

Glythinebu, v. to revel

Glythinebwr, n. a voluptuous

Glythni, n. sensuality

Glythog, a. voluptuous

Glythol, a. voluptuous, greedy

Glythu, v. to live sensually

Glythwr, n. a gormandizer

Glythyn, n. a small couch

Glyw, n. a governer, a ruler: a. regulating, ruling

Gnawd, n. habit; custom: a. habitual, usual

Gne, n. hue, tint, complexion

Gnes, n. a flutter, a hover

Gni, n. what pervades; shock

Gnif, n. pain, anxiety; toil

Gnis, n. a brandish, a flourish

Gnisiad, n. a brandishing

Gnodawl, a. customary

Gnodi, v. to habituate

Gnodig, a. habitual, common

Gnotâad, n. an accustoming

Gnotai, n. a token; a halo

Gnotoal, a. accustomed, usual

Go, ad. somewhat, partly

Goachol, a. somewhat puny

Gob, n. a mound, a pad

Gobaill, n. a coarse flour

Gobaillio, v. to make coarse flour

Gobaith, n. hope, expectation

Gobant, n. small dingle

Gobed, n. a cobiron

Gobeithgar, a. hopeful

Gobeithiad, n. a hoping

Gobeithio, v. to hope

Gobeithiol, a. hoping

Gobeithioldeb, n. hopefulness

Gobell, n. a pad, a saddle

Gobellu, v. to pad, to saddle

Goben, n. a penultima

Gobenol, a. penultimate

Gobenu, v. to conclude nearly

Gobenydd, n. a bolster

Gobenyddiad, n. a bracketing; bolstering

Gobenyddu, v. to bolster

Gober, n. operation, deed

Goberiad, n. an operating

Goberol, a. operating, effective dubbingly

Goberu, v. to operate

Gobiso, v. to discharge urine

Goblyg, n. a half double

Gobr, n. recompense; fee; wages; bride

Gobriad, n. recompense

Gobrid, n. what is somewhat dear; a. somewhat dear

Gobrol, a. compensative

Gobru, v. to compensate, to fee

Gobrwy, n. reward, fee

Gobrwyad, n. a rewarding

Gobrwyaeth, n. act of feeling

Gobrwyedigaeth, n. remuneration, the act of hiring