Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/166

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Gorddwys, a. extremely dense

Gorddyar, n. roar: a. roaring

Gorddyarad, n. a roaring

Gorddyaru, v. to make a roar

Gorddyeithr, a. over strange

Gorddyfnad, n. an habituating

Gorddyfnaid, v. to habituate

Gorddyfnder, profundity, depth

Gorddyfniad, n. what habituates

Gorddyfnu, v. to accustom, to habituate

Gorddyfod, v. to come upon

Gorddyfodi, v. to supervene

Gorddyfodiad, n. supervention; a coming upon

Gorddyfn, n. habit, custom

Gorddygai, n. what draws away; an abductor

Gorddygan, n. harmony

Gorddygiad, n. abduction

Gorddygnu, v. to overtoil

Gorddygyd, v. to superinduce

Gorddylif, n. an overflow

Gorddylifiad, n. defluxion

Gorddylifo, v. to over flow

Gorddyn, n. a boundary

Gorddynead, n. an effusion

Gorddyneu, v. to effuse

Gorddyrchafu, v. to over-raise

Gorddysgwyl, to expect earnestly

Gorddywal, a. extremely fierce

Goreb, n. a response

Gorebiad, n. a responding

Gorebu, v. to respond

Gored, n. a fishing-wear

Goredu, v. to set a wear

Gorefras, a. very plump

Goregni, n. over exertion

Goreiliad, n. a superstructing

Goreilid, n. a grievance

Goreilidiad, n. a grieving

Goreilidio, v. to aggrieve

Goreilio, v. to superstruct

Goreirian, a. extremely fair

Goreiriol, a. adverbial

Goreiste, n. a sitting aloft

Goreisteddiad, n. a presiding

Gorel, n. an aperture

Gorelu, v. to make an aperture

Gorelwain, v. to keep crying

Gorentrych, a. supercelestial

Gorenw, n. a surname

Gorenwi, v. to surname

Gorergyd, n. an over-shot

Gorerlid, v. to pursue eagerly

Gorerlyn, v. to follow eagerly

Gores, n. waste: a. open

Goresgyn, n. a coming upon possession; conquest; a lease

Goresgyniad, n. an overcoming; a conquering

Goresgyniaeth, n. subjugation

Goresgynol, a. overcoming

Goresgynu, v. to overcome

Goresgynwr, Goresgynydd, n. an occupant; a vanquisher; a descendant in the fifth degree

Goresiad, n. a laying open

Gorest, n. a waste; a. open waste

Gorestwng, v. to yield homage

Gorestyngiad, n. liege subject

Gorestyn, n. over-extension

Goresymu, v. to talk familiar

Goretholi, v. to select nicely

Goreu, a. best. O’r goreu very well: v. to make, to create

Goreuad, n. a bettering

Goreuaeth, n. optimism

Goreuant, n. optimacy

Goreuo, v. to make better

Goreurad, n. a troding

Goreuraid, a. done with gold

Goreuro, v. to gild

Gorewi, v. to freeze slightly

Gorewydd, n. bodily vigour

Gorewyn, n. mantling foam

Gorewynu, v. to foam over

Gorfainc, n. a supreme seat

Gorfaint, n. an oversize

Gorfalch, a. supercilious

Gorfan, a. extremely lofty

Gorfanal, n. broom-rape

Gorfanson, n. a muttering

Gorfant, n. upper mandible

Gorfantol, n. overbalance