Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/167

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Gorfantoli, v. to overbalance

Gorfaran, n. a grand front

Gorfas, a. extremely shallow

Gorfawr, a. extremely great

Gorfeddu, to possess overmuch

Gorfeiddio, v. to over-dare

Gorfelyn, a. very yellow

Gorferw, n. froth, scum

Gorferwi, v. to bubble

Gorfethiant, n. extreme debility

Gorfethu, v. to fail completely

Gorfin, n. the outer edge

Gorflawdd, n. extreme uproar

Gorflun, a. very tiresome

Gorfloedd, n. an outcry

Gorflwch, n. goblet, cup

Gorflwng, a. very sullen

Gorfod, n. impulse: necessity; mastery victory: v. to get superior; to necessitate, to oblige, to be obliged

Gorfodaeth, n. compulsion

Gorfodedd, n. ascendency

Gorfodiad, n. a compelling

Gorfodog, a. being compelled

Gorfodogaeth, n. obligation

Gorfodogi, v. to take obligatory

Gorfodol, a. compulsive

Gorfuledd, n. triumph; gladness

Gorfoleddiad, n. a triumphing

Gorfoleddu, v. to triumph, to rejoice greatly

Gorfoleddus, a. triumphant

Gorfoli, v. to flatter

Gorfoliant, n. adulation

Gorfras, a. over gross, over fat

Gorfraint, n. superior privilege

Gorfrau, a. extremely brittle

Gorfraw, n. extreme panic

Gorfrwd, a. very ardent

Gorfryd, n. magnanimity

Gorfrydiant, n. a paroxysm

Gorfrydio, v. to overheat

Gorfrydol, a. magnanimous

Gorfrys, n. great haste

Gorfuan, a. being over quick

Gorfudd, n. supreme gain

Gorfygu, v. to vanquish

Gorfyd, n. rivalship, envy

Gorfyniad, n. emulation

Gorfynig, a. emulous, envious

Gorfynog, a. emulous, envious

Gorfynu, n. ascent, up-hill

Gorfynydd, n. an ascent

Gorfyw, a. living beyond

Gorffawd, n. extreme luck

Gorfflam, n. bright flame

Gorfflemychu, v. to flame greatly

Gorfflwch, a. extremely rife

Gorffrwd, n. a violent torrent

Gorffyniant, n. excess of prosperity

Gorffysg, n. extreme speed

Gorgoch, a. extreme red

Gorgoddi, v. to vex, to excess

Gorgred, n. implicit belief

Gorgyd, n. implicit belief

Gorgryd, n. extreme agitation

Gorguddio, v. to cover over

Gorgwyddo, v. to over fall

Gorgyfuwch, a. superior

Gorgyffraw, n. extreme agitation

Gorgyffred, n. a surmise

Gorgylch, n. an outer circle

Gorgylchynu, v. to surround

Gorhael, a. over liberal

Gorheb, n. a response

Gorhediad, n. a flying above

Gorhelaeth, a. over ample

Gorhenaint, n. extreme age

Gorhendad, n. great grandfather

Gorhendaid, great great grandfather

Gorhenfam, n. great grandmother

Gorhengaw, n. ancestor in the fifth degree

Gorhennain, great great grandmother

Gorhenw, n. a surname

Gorhenwi, v. to surname

Gorhesg, n. large reeds

Gorhiliog, a. very prolific

Gorhiniog, n. a lintel

Gorhirio, v. to linger much

Gorhoen, n. extreme vivacity

Gorhoeni, v. to exhilarate

Gorhoenus, a. extremely joyous