Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/168

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Gorhoff, a. very delectable

Gorhoffedd, n. chief delight

Gorhoffi, v. to delight extremely

Gorhoffiant, n. extreme delight

Gorholi, v. to inquire overmuch, to question overmuch

Gorhoni, v. to assert overmuch

Gorhudd, n. extreme illusion

Gorhuddo, v. to overveil

Gorhun, n. excess of sleep

Gorhydru, n. over confidence

Gorhynod, a. very remarkable

Gorhynt, n. a superior course

Gori, n. brooding; suppuration: v. to brood

Goriad, n. a brooding

Gorian, v. to be querulous

Goriain, v. to keep crying out

Gorifynu, n. ascent

Gorimyn, n. a chink, a cleft

Goris, prep. inferior to below: adv. beneath, underneath

Goriselu, v. to make very low

Gorisgell, n. scum of liquor

Gorith, n. phantom, illusion

Goriw, n. gentle ascent

Gorlad, n. supreme grace

Gorlaes, a. very low or trailing

Gorlais, n. shrill tone

Gorlaith, a. extremely moist

Gorlam, n. an overskip

Gorlamu, v. to overskip

Gorlanâd, n. super-purgation

Gorlanw, n. repletion; high tide

Gorlas, n. superior blue; a. of superior blue

Gorlasar, n. blue enamel

Gorlasu, v. to give a blue hue

Gorlawen, a. extremely joyful

Gorlawn, a. over-full

Gorledu, v. to over-expand

Gorlefain, v. to cry out aloud

Gorlenwi, v. to over-fill

Gorlesu, v. to benefit extremely

Gorlewin, n. the west

Gorlidio, v. to chafe extremely

Gorlif, n. an upper current

Gorlifiant, n. a flowing over

Gorlifo, v. to flow very strongly, to flow above

Gorlithro, v. to overslip

Gorliw, n. an apparent hue

Gorliwio, v. to colour over

Gorloes, n. a murmuring sound, an organ: a murmuring

Gorloni, v. to cheer extremely

Gorlosgi, v. to over-burn

Gorlosgiad, n. an over-burning

Gorludd, n. extreme depression

Gorludded, n. extreme fatigue

Gorlwng, a. extreme indraught

Gorlwm, a. extreme bare

Gorlwybro, v. to over-trace

Gorlwyddo, v. to help on

Gorlwyno, v. to escort; to convey

Gorlwyth, n. an over-load

Gorlwytho, v. to overburden

Gorlyd, a. broody; suppurative

Gorlyfnu, v. to smooth over

Gorlyna, v. to tipple to excess

Gorlyncu, v. to gorge, to gulp, to swallow greedily

Gorllad, n. benediction

Gorlladen, n. consecrated bread

Gorllaes, a. trailing; drooping

Gorllaesu, v. to trail; to drawl

Gorllanw, n. full tide

Gorllawes, a. extremely expert

Gorllawn, a. over full, replete

Gorllechu, v. to skulk much

Gorllenwi, v. to overflow

Gorllewin, n. the ultimate; a rear; the west

Gorllewinol, a. westerly

Gorllewydd, n. the west

Gorllwyn, n. an escort

Gorllyd, a. suppurative

Gorllydd, n. an embryo

Gorllym, a. extremely sharp

Gorm, n. a plenum

Gormail, n. oppression

Gormant, n. plentitude

Gormedd, n. an over-running

Gormeilio, v. to prevail, to predominate; to over-run

Gormeisiad, n. a molester