Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/169

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Gormes, n. molestation

Gormesdeyrn, n. an usurping prince, an intruding tyrant

Gormesiad, n. a molesting

Gormeslyn, n. plethora

Gormesol, a. molesting, intrusive

Gormesu, v. to molest, to intrude

Gormesydd, n. a molester

Gormod, Gormodd, n. excess: a. too much

Gormodedd, n. superabundance, excess

Gormodi, v. to superabound

Gormodol, a. superabundant

Gormodoldeb, n. excess

Gormu, to intrude; to pervade

Gormwyth, n. a rheum

Gormwytho, to generate rheum

Gorne, n. superior or exterior hue; blush

Gornerth, n. superior power

Gornerthu, v. to excel in power

Gornofiad, n. swimming above

Gornofio, v. to swim above

Gornwyf, n. extreme vivacity

Gorofni, v. to fear extremely

Gorol, a. effectual, successful

Gorolchi, v. to wash over

Gorolygu, v. to supervise

Goror, n. a confine, a border

Gorphen, n. conclusion, end: v. to conclude, to determine; to end

Gorphenaf, n. July

Gorpheniad, n. a finishing

Gorphenol, a. concluding, finishing

Gorphwyll, n. madness; folly

Gorphwylliad, n. a distracting

Gorphwyllo, v. to grow mad

Gorphwyllus, a. irrational

Gorphwys, n. repose, rest

Gorphwysdra, n. repose

Gorphwysfa, n. a resting place

Gorphwyso, v. to repose, to rest, to take a respite

Gorphwysol, a. quiescent

Gorsaf, n. a station, a stand

Gorsafiad, n. a stationing

Gorsafol, a. stationary

Gorsafu, v. to station; to withstand

Gorsangu, v. to over-tread

Gorsedd, n. a supreme seat

Gorseddol, v. relating to session

Gorseddfainc, n. a throne

Gorseddiad, n. a presiding

Gorseddu, v. to preside

Gorseddwr, n. a president

Gorsefyll, v. to take a stand

Gorsefylliad, n. a stationing

Gorsengi, v. to over-tread

Gorselu, v. to gaze steadfastly

Gorsing, Gorsin, n. a door post

Gorsylw, n. earnest regard

Gorsyllu, v. to look steadfastly

Gorsynu, v. to amaze greatly

Gort, n. a sharp spring

Gortio, v. to spring sharply

Gorth, n. what stands opposite

Gorthwasgu, v. to over-task

Gorthaw, taciturnity; patience

Gorthew, a. extremely thick

Gorthir, n. upper country

Gortho, n. an envelope; a roof

Gorthoad, n. a covering over

Gorthöi, v. to cover over

Gorthorch, n. a torque; a collar

Gorthordd, n. an exile

Gorthori, v. to cut over

Gorthoriant, n. an incision

Gorthrain, a. lavish to excess

Gorthrais, n. extreme violence

Gorthrech, n. mastery; violence

Gorthrechiad, n. a subduing

Gorthrechiant, n. domination

Gorthrechol, a. domineering

Gorthrechu, v. to master, to overcome

Gorthrechwr, n. a dominator, an oppressor

Gorthrin, n. extreme toil

Gorthröi, v. to turn over

Gorthrwch, n. a groove

Gorthrwm, a. oppressive

Gorthrychiad, n. a grooving

Gorthrymder, Gorthrymiant, n. oppression