Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/170

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Gorthrymiad, n. an oppressing

Gorthrymu, v. to oppress

Gorthrymus, a. oppressive

Gorthrymwr, n. an oppressor

Gorthwf, n. an overgrowth

Gortliwym, Gorthwymyn, a. overwarm

Gorthynu, v. to overstrain

Gorthywys, n. a general

Goru, v. to cause, to accomplish, to do

Goruch, n. a supreme: a. upper; adv. above, over

Goruchadeilad, n. superstructure

Goruchaf, a. most high, highest

Goruchafiaeth, n. supremacy, promotion; triumph

Goruchafol, a. supereminent

Goruchafu, v. to exalt over

Goruchanian, a. supernatural

Goruchanianoldeb, n. preternaturalness

Goruchder, n. superiority; supremacy

Goruchel, a. supreme, very high

Goruchelder, n. a summit

Goruchelion, n. meteors

Goruchelu, v. to render lofty, to exalt

Goruchiad, n. heavenly body; a planet

Goruchiant, n. supereminency

Goruchio, v. to raise supreme

Goruchiol, a. supereminent

Goruchion, n. meteors

Goruchionen, n. a meteor

Goruchlyw, n. lord paramount

Goruchragor, n. superexcellence

Goruchwyliad, n. a supervising, an overlooking

Goruchwyliaeth, a supervision; stewardship

Gorug, v. did, did perform, did act; he did, he made. Imperfect tense of Goru

Gorugo, v. to accomplish

Gorugiad, n. an accomplishing

Gorun, n. surge, spray, foam

Gorurddas, n. supreme rank

Goruthro, to amaze exceedingly

Goruwch, prep. above, over

Gorwaedd, n. a loud cry

Gorwael, a. very abject

Gorwaered, n. a declivity

Gorwg, a. vain-glorious, vain

Gorwagedd, n. vain glory

Gorwall, n. extreme remissness; extreme fault

Gorwan, a. extreme weak

Gorwancu, v. to overgorge

Gorwar, a. extremely gentle

Gorwas, n. a hero, a worthy

Gorwasgu, v. to overpress

Gorwedd, n. recumbence; v. to lie, to recline

Gorweddiad, n. a lying down

Gorweddial, n. concubinage

Gorweddol, a. recumbent

Gorwegi, n. extreme vanity

Gorwel, n. the horizon

Gorweled, v. to see over

Gorwen, a. very white

Gorwenu, v. to laugh, to grin

Gorwerthu, v. to oversell

Gorwir, a. quite true

Gorwireb, n. an hyperbole

Gorwisg, n. an outer garment

Gorwisgo, v. to clothe over

Gorwiw, a. superexcellent

Gorwlad, n. bordering country

Gorwlyb, a very wet

Gorwlychu, v. to over-drench

Gorwregus, n. a bracing girdle

Gorwy, n. a margin, a rim

Gorwych, a. very brave

Gorwydr, n. hoar frost

Gorwydd, n. a summit, a top: a courser, a steed: a. of easy progress

Gorwyddod, n. cavalry

Gorwyddfarch, managed horse

Gorwygo, v. to tear slightly

Gorwyl, n. an overlooking

Gorwyliad, n. an overlooking

Gorwylio, v. to overlook

Gorwyll, a. very gloomy

Gorwyllt, a. frantic, mad

Gorwym, n. a slight bandage

Gorwymp, a. very fair

Gorwyn, a. over-white